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Something So Little….

How can something so little, so simple, make you cry?

A forgotten hamper of her laundry in my sewing room.   Decided to wash them and go through what to keep, what to pass on.

All of a sudden tears flow and I say out loud, “I don’t really want to be doing this!”

I can look across the room and see the box.   The one with her cremains we were going to bury this fall, but decided to wait until spring.  Around her birthday in April. 

I’d much rather be able to pick up the phone and give her a call.

I still miss you, Mom.


10 Responses to “Something So Little….”

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Praying for you, Trisch.

    I understand. I still feel that way about my dad.

  2. I am so sorry Trisch.
    Close our eyes, imagine my parlour, and here is a great big *HUG*.
    Love you my dear friend.
    My Grandfather died a year ago today. I understand.

    LOVE to you friend.

  3. Rose says:

    And you will continue to miss her. I still miss my mom, and it will be 7 years tomorrow that she passed away. Just be rest assured that your mom may be in a better place than my mom is. (My mom was a Catholic).

  4. Pat says:

    trisch, it has been 24 yrs since my mom passed, i still think about her alot. especially during the holidays. i haven’t seen you mom since we were there last, but i have the memories of you all in wgtn, and visiting you in our younger years. she always had a place in her heart for another daughter(me). i’ve always felt like apart of your family. i love you all.

    • Trisch says:

      Oh, I have good memories of those times, too!

      I know she will always be with me and I’ll always miss her to some extent. It’s always surprising what brings it about!

      Maybe after the holidays we can have a nice, long call! :)



  5. Jennifer says:

    Praying for you, dear friend!! HUGS

  6. jenny says:

    sorry, Trisch.
    I have never yet lost anyone close, i can only imagine.
    God bless.

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