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The Simple Woman’s Daybook

I’m a few days late…   but I found this and want to participate!


For Today, September 10, 2008



Outside my window…The sun is peeking through the clouds, and it’s cool and breezy.  The beans in the fields around us are already drying up!


I am thinking… that I need to call a friend to tell her the claw-foot bathtub we have for sale is available if she wants it. 


I am thankful for…my wonderful husband, my children, and the freedoms I enjoy in America to train my OWN children, and to be able to homeschool them and keep them at home.


From the kitchen…I hear the clatter of things coming out of the refrigerator and questions like, "What’d we have last night?"  "Mommy, do you want what we had last night? There’s only enough for one person."  "NO more burritos–that’s the last package of tortillas!"  "Mommy, do you want the last of the watermelon?  But then there’s not enough for me!"


I am wearing…my "old" Easter jumper from two years ago, a pastel floral with coordinating striped pockets and ruffle, along with my cutwork polo shirt from Blair.


I am creating…This blog! LOL!   Seriously, I’m in a decluttering mood, so I guess I’m getting creative about where and how to organize all this STUFF!


I am going…to drop off a "stool sample" from some goats at the vet’s later this afternoon!


I am reading…more than I ever wanted to know about chicken pox!   Learning lots about vaccines, building immunity, frugal living and unschooling (if you go by my internet history for the past 24 hours!)   Bookwise I’m reading Holy In Christ by Andrew Murray, God, What’s Your Name?    by Kay Arthur (a study on the Names of God for kids), and just got Nature in Winter by Elizabeth P. Lawlor.  I saw it at Salamonie Reservoir’s Interpretive Center when we camped there last month and it looked like a good find for "winter nature studies".


I am hoping…that my other children either don’t get the chicken pox, or at least not as bad a case as the dire warnings I’ve read and heard!


I am hearing…not much.   Things got very quiet, because….


Around the house… the four youngest children went outside to eat lunch, the two oldest girls are upstairs moving into their new room (they finished their beautiful border yesterday!), the 16 yodd is eating lunch out here in the sunroom, the 15 yodd is packing up things from the room she shares with the 16 yodd as they prepare to move into another room so Daddy can redo their room.  The 11 yodd was eating lunch but has disappeared somewhere!


One of my favorite things…  ONE?  I have to pick just ONE?!    Well……the quiet, restfulness faith in God brings.  No matter the turmoil around me (super collider scientists trying to reinvent the Big Bang, politics, economy, chicken pox  ) I know WHO is in control and that HE will guide me in the perfect path for "me and my house"!


A few plans for the rest of the week… canning the pears, finding my kitchen bar AND the computer desk surface again,  and maybe start unearthing the sewing room.  Oh, and start reading either American History for Little Folks or Mary’s Meadow  to the younger set.


Here is a picture thought I am sharing…


                       Noah and Isaiah at the 2008 county fair–All-American Farm Boys!



 Please put your post link on my Mr. Linky so I can see your Simple Woman’s Daybook, too!

(Click on the link below the icon at the beginning of this post to see what it’s all about!)



5 Responses to “The Simple Woman’s Daybook”

  1. SuperAngel says:

    I linked over from my Mama's blog (http://jacquedixon.com). :)

    Great daybook. I enjoyed reading a peak into your day! Beautiful children!

    Miss Amanda


  2. Anonymous says:

    Hey, Mrs. R! : )

    I just wanted to "drop in" and say hi, and tell you that I enjoyed a peak into your day. : )

    I haven't been able to check your blog for a couple of weeks, and was pleasantly surprised to see that you've been updating the last week or two. : )

    I also love your daughters' new blog- make sure you encourage them to keep it up! : )

    Love to you all, and God bless! ~DB : )

  3. Anonymous says:

    P.S. I love the photo of the boys! They are so adorable! : )

    Tell them and the girls I said "HI" and give them all hugs for me. : ) ~DB

  4. JacqueDixonSoulRestES says:

    Ahhh…. a claw-foot tub!! I tried to get Matt to look at those when we were tub-shopping. Sigh. no luck!

    Goat issues… we are dealing with our own. Poor little Wilbur, we aren't sure what is going on with him and we are just praying he will get better.

    Gosh, are your children really having any chicken pox issues or are you talking about what you are reading about?? Mine never had bad issues, though I just consider chicken pox a part of life, so I never worried about normal lesions, even if there were many. I just made an oatmeal bath and let it run its course. I am sure you have read that the chicken pox vaccine immunities wear off. The immunities given by the actual virus don't.

    Oh, and my link (as you know) is http://jacquedixon.com and also http://growingingraceonline.com.

    Edited by JacqueDixonSoulRestES on Sep. 12, 2008 at 12:58 PM

  5. Mama9blessings says:

    I'm so blessed the Lord gave us two boys close together!

    The chicken pox hasn't been a problem for the dd that had it so far! I just keep hearing dire warnings how hard it will be on my older girls (no one has ever had them!). I figure if their immunity is strong, they'll be fine. NO immunizations for that here! <bleh!>

    We bought the claw foot tub for us, but after dh's accident, he thought a jacuzzi sounded nice! : ) It was tough giving up the tub, but I have to admit, I *do* like the jacuzzi!

    Hope Wilbur gets better! It's so tough sometimes! We've got the vet coming Monday for one with an abcess! : (

    So was I supposed to post your link on the Daybook graphic? (Computer illiterate–or know just enough to get me in trouble! ; )

    Thanks for your comment!

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