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Noah on Noah’s Ark

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be named Noah, be a little boy, and hear about "Noah’s Ark"?  From the time our little guy understood "Noah’s Ark", it became "Mine Ark"!   Makes sense to a 3 year old, right?!


Well, he’s four now, and starting to understand that someone else can have the same name, and the old guy in the Bible story pictures isn’t necessarily him! 


We recently had this conversation as he was lying down before his nap.  (I really can spell!  I am writing it phonetically as he really talks! Think "Linus" with his cute nasally voice–minus the "s" sound!)


Noah:  "Ho, Mommy," (remember, he can’t say his "s" sound?  And he starts talking to me this way a lot–"so, Mommy" only it’s "Ho, Mommy"!)   "Ih the ark going to go in our ocean?" 


Me: (Not sure what "our ocean" is, but playing along…)  "No, but it did go in the water.  It wasn’t really the ocean yet."


Noah:  (after thinking about it a minute) "Ho, Mommy, will it go in our ocean neckt time?"


Me: "Well, I don’t think there will be a next time, but if there is, then yes, it will go in our ocean."


Noah: (thinking a little bit more)  "Then Daddy can build anodder ark, and we can put giraffe in it and elephant and tiger and monkey and goat and all de animal!  And Daddy and Mommy and Jehhica and Leah and Honanah (Susannah) and Cahhia and Anna and Bekah and Charihha and me and Ihaiah and Pooh!"  He smiles.  "And Noah can go in it, too!"


Me:  "You mean the Bible Noah?"


Noah nods and smiles!  "And me, too!"


So, (or "Ho"!), there you have it.


The new version of Noah’s Ark, according to Noah! 


3 Responses to “Noah on Noah’s Ark”

  1. Anonymous says:

    This is about as precious as it get! Isn't parenting wonderful…especially when you get these kinds of conversations.

    I picked up my 2yr old granddaughter for dinner the other evening…and I was saying how we would see pa, and uncle Jacob and Uncle Levi…and she says to me…"K and eat cereal too k? Grandma's is all about the fruity pebbles!

    Blessings, Kelly


  2. Anonymous says:

    How sad that I had to miss seeing him this weekend! : ) Oh, and the rest of you, too, of course! : )

    Noah is so cute… I love your little boys! Give them an extra hug for me. : )

    ~DB : )

  3. Tinab says:

    too cute!!!

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