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Simple Woman’s Daybook~June 3, 2009

For Today….



Outside my window… It started out grey and gloomy today, but the sun peeked out by afternoon!  Now it’s evening with a rosy pink sky. 



I am thinking… I am TOO busy!



I am thankful for… my sweet Godly girls!  (Boys still in training!)



From the learning rooms… We’re gearing up for 4-H project judging the 29th and 30th, so that will probably be the bulk of our learning the next few weeks!



From the kitchen… we just finished supper!  Calico Bean Bake and cornbread-a favorite!



I am wearing… a pink blouse and my "Easter jumper" from a few years ago–multi-colored pastels with flowers.



I am creating… a plan for my front door flower garden (much later than usual!)



I am reading… Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas (another excellent book, by the way!)



I am hoping… to see my grandma soon–she’s probably given up on me!



I am hearing… dishwater running, not much else as the others are outside….



Around the house… Susannah is doing dishes, Leah is helping, Anna is sitting behind me with her foot up–dropped a can of beans on it earlier (ouch!  ), the others are outside doing barn chores.  Oh, and Jessica is at a friend’s house helping them get ready for their graduation open house!



One of my favorite things… is my girls making a "town" in the big barn again!  So nice to see them doing it for the younger set!




I am praying… for friends in transitions of different kinds, and for Christians to fall in love with their Savior and spend time at His feet.



A few plans for the rest of the week: grocery shopping tomorrow, then Llama meeting, hoping to get flowers tomorrow and planted before the summer is over  ,  maybe pick strawberries Friday if the weather cooperates, and go to two graduation open houses this weekend!


Quotes of the week: 

 "Marriage requires a radical commitment to love our spouses as they are, while longing for them to become what they are not yet.  Every marriage moves either toward enhancing one another’s glory or toward degrading each other."    ~Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III

"The beauty of Christianity is in learning to love,and few life situations test that so radically as does a marriage."  ~ Gary Thomas

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."  ~Oscar Wilde

Here is picture thought I am sharing…






One Response to “Simple Woman’s Daybook~June 3, 2009”

  1. Jessica says:

    Such cute little boys! Did you get any strawberries picked?! : ) I finished the cakes today…hooray!!!!

    Love your most favorite oldest daughter,

    Love you bunches!


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