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Swing Your Pardner Round an’ Round!

Yesterday I posted how to handle problems by taking them by the horns!




The story behind the picture?



Sunday evening after we came home from some friends’ house, our buck was out of his pen. That is highly unusual!  Now, he is somewhat friendly, but likes to assert himself….so Susannah grabbed him by the horns to keep him from running after her or butting her (in her church clothes, no less!).  Problem was, he decided he’d rather dance around with her than let her lead him!



While other girls were getting something to lead him with, they kept up their interesting dance.  See sample below!  






Yes, he ran right for me!  He didn’t butt me, though–I cut it off while saying, "No, you be nice!" 




He’s escaped one other time this week–Dallas thinks he’s found the "escape hatch", so we’ll see!


And that’s the story behind yesterday’s Wordless Wednesday! 



2 Responses to “Swing Your Pardner Round an’ Round!”

  1. MamaMirage says:

    Lol! Nothing like trying to keep a buck from rubbing his stinky self on your church clothes, eh? :)

    Actually it's really nice to see you call him a buck. I think goats are the new hot hobby-pet and everywhere I go I see scruffy, poorly cared for goats with their owners calling them billies and nannies and it makes me want to carry around copies of "Raising Dairy Goats The Modern Way" to hand out. ;)

    "Mirage" @ http://everypreciousjoy.blogspot.com/

  2. Tell Me Thursday says:

    Thanks for stopping by! Fun story! We have several friends with goats – wonderful creatures!

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