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Happy Birthday Isaiah!

I can hardly believe my “baby” is 4!

Daddy and Mommy (and of course all your sisters and Noah, too!)

love you very, VERY much!


Sorry to my blog readers for being so quiet–we’re on our family trip with just the laptop and 4 of us vying for it!!! :)

For updates with pictures and videos, be sure to visit my daughters’ blog!

I’ll be back next week (hopefully!) to tell you all about it!

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4 Responses to “Happy Birthday Isaiah!”

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Happy Birthday, Isaiah!!

  2. Rachel Irene says:

    Lovely to meet you in person Trisch ! Looking forward to your update after you return home ~ Heather

  3. Hello Sis Trisch,

    I have just discovered your blog…from Kelly Crawfords’ blog. I live in Queensland, Australia. I’m going to appologise that this comment has little to do with this post (very cute pic of Isaiah though.) I wasn’t sure how to contact you but I’m sure I have many questions and I would love it if you find time, that you might email me. I have been married to Ian for 13 years and am currently pregnant with our 9th child. Our children range in age from almost 12 to 8 months and we have been blessed with five boys and three girls, so far. We homeschool and have thought about the ATI curriculum before (hence one of my questions.) We currently use CLE. We also believe the Scriptures mandate headcovering for Christian women. I have seen your pattern on a website (can’t remember which one) but I did print out the pattern. I have been trying to work out something that didn’t look scary to people or associate us with a particular group, although I’m coming to the conclusion this is impossible and anyway we are to be a peculiar people. There are some of us in Australia that follow these ways but not as many as in the US and sometimes we get asked if we’re Amish or nuns. We used to attend one of the only Mennonite churches in Australia but are seeking the Lords direction about starting a church with other true Christians who are living according to Scripture (as they are led) and not by mans traditions. Not wanting to be reactionary is why we haven’t given up and want to still have church. We hope to soon move to a farm, we currently live on a 840m2 block in Queenslands capital city Brisbane, cosy to say the least. I love your pictures and my 11 yo daughter Naomi was greatly encouraged to see pictures of your daughters, to realise we’re “not the only ones”. This may seem like an odd question, but did I notice a nursing option in one of your jumper dresses? I’d actually never thought of doing that before. I’m not any kind of seamstress, but am currently trying to learn; as well as the violin. I’m really enjoying both. Anyway, if you would email me I would love that. I’d love to talk, Lord Willing.

    In His Peace and Grace,

    Sis Hayley.

  4. Jacque says:

    What a cutie-pie! I hope his day was fun for you all!
    They grow too fast, Trisch!

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