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The Simple Woman’s Daybook 7

It’s been a rough few weeks!  The ickies have set in as well as that very tired feeling!  


For today, November 3, 2008.


Outside my window…. it is Indian Summer!  70 degree weather, a breeze, and a beautiful blue fall sky!  The maple tree in the backyard has turned it’s golden yellow and looks so beautiful framing our backyard, with spots of blue sky in between!


I am thinking….  I need another nap!


I am thankful for…. my wonderful family who serve me so graciously when I can hardly function!  And that they are all as excited as me about the new baby!


From the learning rooms…. the girls are finally getting a good start on our Names of God study.  We tweaked it a bit and decided two weeks wasn’t enough time!   So we’re going to try for one a month.


From the kitchen….  Italian lasagna, breadsticks and salad.


I am wearing…. a yellow blouse and a green jumper (not quite John Deere colors…. LOL!)


I am creating…. my jumper I started on!  Got a lot done on it Friday, but would like to finish it tomorrow (icky feeling permitting!)


I am going…. to stay home! 


I am reading…. I am finishing Heart of Wisdom by Robin Sampson, and started reading Herbal Antibiotics by Stephen Harrod Buhner.


I am hoping…. to feel a bit better this week and try to get back on track for my T-Tapp workouts.


I am hearing…. My now 17 year old daughter in the kitchen making dinner (her birthday was Saturday), and all else is pretty quiet (not sure that’s a good thing!)


Around the house…. One daughter making dinner, another about to switch her towels into the dryer (each girl has a "laundry day"), another is trying to finish a new outfit to wear tomorrow when she and yet another daughter will help at the polls, one boy is sleeping, another is playing somewhere and the little girls are playing.


One of my favorite things…. is Indian Summer!


A few plans for the rest of the week:  Finishing the aforementioned outfit, decluttering my sewing room (no, we still haven’t gotten to it!), voting, and do the "big winter clothing" shopping trip later this week.  OH, and I’m expecting a dear friend from the Upper Peninsula to visit this weekend with her family! 


Here is a picture I’m sharing:


He’s got a little ways to go to grow into Papaw’s boots!



Blessings on your day!

2 Responses to “The Simple Woman’s Daybook 7”

  1. sixfolks says:

    Isn't it bitter sweet to be icky and tired. Just means your body is taking care of that new little one. I'd love to be icky and tired for that reason :)


  2. fruitbuns says:

    I always get nausea, which seems worse in evening. I only was physically sick with dc1.

    Send your indian summer here. It was foggy and drizzly today, with only 50 degrees.

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