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The Simple Woman’s Daybook 9

Before I start on a glimpse of my day, I just want to remind you about Kelly’s special this week!  Click on any of the titles to the right (Getting Your Children to Obey, Think Outside the Classroom, Finding Financial Freedom or her By Heart Scripture cd) and if you purchase, use the code THANKSGIVING to get $2 off!  Offer good through Friday, the 28th)




For today, 26 November, 2008.  


Outside my window….  It’s a beautiful sunny (and cold!) day!  Pretty blue sky.


I am thinking… how much I love and appreciate my daughters, who are making the whole Thanksgiving feast for tomorrow!


I am thankful for…. the same daughters who are taking good care of me, especially these few days I’ve had to stay down on bedrest!   I’m also thankful for ALL my children, the baby, my wonderful husband, and all my wonderful friends–real life and cyber!


From the learning rooms… well, everyone got their "usual dailies" done, and now the three younger girls are watching a "How to Teach the Cello" dvd….and none of them play cello!   Too funny!


From the kitchen…. meatloaf, salad and rolls, as well as some baking for tomorrow!


I am wearing…. um…my nightgown?!   (It reminds me to take it easy!)   It is very pretty, a lavender floral!   Maybe I should call it a "housedress"?!  


I am creating…. in spite of bedrest and taking it easy, I am knitting a poncho and working on a quilted pillow.  Might have to have a few of my daughters finish that jumper and blouse for me! 


I am going…. nowhere!  Staying home tomorrow and having some dear friends join us as well as my mom.


I am reading… a LOT!   (One of the "perks" of bedrest! )  Reading that wonderful book I mentioned in my last post, The Heart of the King by Ron Auch.   Also reading Our Father Abraham by Marvin Wilson, working on Lord, Teach Me to Pray by Kay Arthur, and still also working through A Woman’s Call to Prayer by Elizabeth George.


I am hoping… to be able to get up more in the next day or so (easing into it!)


I am hearing…. pretty much just the chop, chop, chop of someone chopping veggies in the kitchen! 


Around the house…. Anna, Bekah and Charissa are watching the aforementioned cello teaching dvd, Cassia is chopping veggies/making supper, boys are napping (ahhhhh!), and not sure about the other three!


One of my favorite things…. is having hot chocolate before bed!  


A few plans for the rest of the week…. well….I’m thinking I need to quit making plans!  LOL!   Seems when I get into a groove, something comes along to throw us out of whack!     My main plans are to ease back into "normal" (which will NOT include hefting Rubbermaid tubs around in the future!), go Christmas tree shopping Friday afternoon (hopefully!) and celebrate Thanksgiving again with my brother and his family on Saturday.


Here is a picture thought I am sharing….



Every fireman should have hot pads, right?!


And please enjoy my daughters’ duet, if you haven’t already.  It’s my Thankgiving "gift" to you!


For the Beauty of the Earth


Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!!!

4 Responses to “The Simple Woman’s Daybook 9”

  1. fruitbuns says:

    I hope you haven't hurt yourself too bad, will pray for you.

  2. angdesa says:

    Hello Trisch. I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving! Also, I have seen a few of your girls at Wal-Mart on the last few of my grocery shopping trips (Thursday is my day to shop.). I haven't wanted to say anything to them though. I don't want them to think someone is stalking them or something. :) They probably would not know me at all. You may not even remember me. :) Well, you take it easy if you need rest. God bless.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Looks as though you are making the most of your down time. Hopefully you are back on your feet soon.

    It's wonderful you have so many helping hands to tend to your needs and your home as you are resting.

    Enjoy your holiday :)


  4. momofsix says:

    What a cutie.

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