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More About T-Tapp

Since I’ve gotten lots of comments and questions about T-Tapp, I thought I’d share a little bit more!


The top workout I recommend is actually the MORE 4 in 1 (which is actually 5 workouts in 1 dvd!)


Here is the description from the store:



Product Description

The T-Tapp MORE Rehab Program was created for those who have MORE to lose, MORE health issues to overcome (frozen shoulders, bad backs, knee problems, arthritic conditions) or MORE birthday candles on the cake (degenerative spine and joint issues usually increase with time without proper movement). The pace is slower, repetitions are less and exercises are modified from the original Total Workout.  T-Tapp MORE is designed to rebuild cardiac health, neuro-kinetic pathways and lymphatic function – as well as deliver body sculpting inch loss and weight loss.  This program is excellent for spine and joint rehabilitation along with auto-immune disease such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Epstein Barr.  With obesity at epidemic proportions in the United States, this program was designed to show everyone that we CAN be healthy and fit in less time (all workouts are less than 20 minutes) and without pain.  This workout has been well received within the medical community as an important first step in rebuilding healthy blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol.  The body CAN repair and rebuild if you move it… so move it with MORE and help your body help itself.  Take the first step in rebuilding your health, wellness AND fitness with the T-Tapp MORE Rehab Program – you’ll get MORE results in LESS time!




The actual link to this workout is here.   It is $69.95 not including tax or shipping.    The reason I really, really like this workout is that it goes slower, focuses more on form with less reps.  I started with the Total Workout (TWO) and Step Away the Inches (SATI), and although I did get results, I really feel MORE is a great starting place, because of the slower pace.  There is a LOT to remember in T-Tapp!  There is no music (which is good for me–music distracts me!!!), but Teresa will give little form reminders throughout the workout.  You have a certain stance, you need to "curl the core" (think how you flatten your lower back against the floor while lying down) and lift ribs.  THEN you do the exercises!  LOL!


MORE has Instructional which is about 40 minutes, which teaches you the moves.  Then there are tips for getting up from the floor, out of a chair and up and down stairs, specifically for people of size or people with knee issues.  Then there is the actual workout menu, which is MORE straight through (about 20 minutes), Chair (10 minutes sitting down–believe me you will STILL SWEAT!!!), Broom–about 7 minutes, done with holding a broom across your shoulders, Step Away–about 9 minutes, with tips on walking in place as well as a few other moves.  Once you understand the Step Away, if you start stepping when Teresa starts talking, it’s about 9 minutes.  Otherwise you stand while she explains things.  Then there is MORE From My Home To Yours, which is just Teresa in her living room doing a more advanced version of MORE–kind of takes it up a notch!  It’s a bit over 20 minutes–I think around 23.


You can spend a LONG time just doing MORE!  But we all like variety!    I would encourage you to read this awesome post by a trainer Kirsten Tucker, that she recently posted on the T-Tapp forums:


How to Choose and Advance Through the T-Tapp Workouts


(You might need to register at the forums to be able to read this.)


Too many times we think we’re bored and want to move on, think we’ve got it, think we need more tummy work……Michelle Barbuto got her flat tummy after 6 kids with just the standing workouts–mainly Total Workout!   When you start, you don’t understand.  But as you progress, and get those "a-ha!" moments, you start to get it!   You could realistically never need anything other than TWO!


You will never perfect everything–your body becomes its own resistance, and you will find you bring a new level of muscle awareness to your workouts!  A year ago I was dismayed to find that I had a harder time with TWO than when I started!   The trainers assured me that what I just shared with you was true!  And I am experiencing it again with MORE–I was doing some of the Tempos (workouts that are more advanced–you need to own TWO first), before my crazy fall, and now I am sweating and shaking with MORE!


Okay, so let’s say you’ve had MORE awhile, or you’re really pretty fit, maybe you already work out regularly.  Then you could get Total Workout, which is kind of the "meat and potatotes" of T-Tapp!  And I would add either Step Away the Inches (a 25 minute step in place workout that also works upper body) or the Broom workout.   Broom has options–I LOVE options!    There is a clinic version of MORE–about 35 mintues for just 3 moves!   Then there is a warm-up–about 15 minutes, 19 if you go through the fire drill!  LOL!  It was filmed live, so you go with the flow!  Then there is a short 7 minute walking warm-up in case you don’t have SATI (Step Away the Inches).  Broom walking workout 1 is about 15 minutes  and Broom walking workout 2 is about 30 minutes.  You are actually stepping in place with a broom across your shoulders (and sometimes in front!) with doing upper body moves with the broom.  I LOVE this one!  And there is now a set with Basic Workout Plus (BWO+) and Broom–that would be nice option, too!  (BWO+ is the first 15 minutes of TWO).


Okay, how much time?  Here are some breakdowns:


MORE  20-25 minutes (depending if you choose the original MORE or MORE From My Home)


BWO+  15 minutes


SATI  25 minutes


Broom –depending on which one you pick–you’d want to at least warm up with Primary Back Stretch first (about a 4 minute move) then

Broom 1:  15 minutes


Broom 2:  30 minutes (or you could combine both for a 45 minute workout!)


Total Workout:  55 minutes


Teresa gives water breaks, and you are allowed to use the PAUSE button and take more if you need to!  Sometimes I need to walk around a bit between certain points!  (pant, pant, pant)


The optimal is to start off with the Instructionals–MORE has it, as well as TWO (there is "Instructional 1" for the BWO+ part, then Instructional 2 for the rest of TWO).  There are "bootcamps" of 4-14 days to help establish neurokinetic connections from brain to body, and just to help know what you’re supposed to be doing!  I will say for me, the Instructional for BWO+ moves a bit quickly, which is another reason I like MORE! 


I will also say that my bootcamps of 4 days have been as effective as the 14 day ones!   After you finish, you take two days completely off, then don’t do a "full" workout more than every other day.  If you do one every day, that is like another bootcamp and will eventually stall your results.  Oh, and DO NOT MEASURE DURING A BOOTCAMP!  Yes, I’m shouting!  So many measure during a bootcamp, and you will have some swelling (some water retention for cooling the muscles) and inevitably that looks like you’ve gained!  And for many of us, the period of time after a bootcamp was more telling on the measuring tape! 


What is a "full" workout?  Basically working out for 40 or more minutes.  There are a few more advanced workouts considered "full" that are only 30 minutes, but you FEEL it, let me tell you!   There are combinations to make a "full" workout, but without getting bogged down in all that to start with, as long as you don’t do longer workouts every single day, you’ll be okay!


And always, always take one day completely off, unless you’re in a bootcamp.  


One of the concepts that is really tough to get through is that Less IS More!  We want to do 2 hrs. of workouts to feel like we’ve done something!  The thought that you "only" have to do maybe 15-20 minutes a day is…..well….revolutionary!   And after tapping for two years, things have changed for me to where I can do 3 short workouts a week and maintain.  I couldn’t do that to start with.  Not that I want to maintain just yet! 


Here is my workout schedule right now:


MORE From My Home–2 days a week


Hit the Floor Softer or Hit the Floor (a wonderful ab workout–but do get the "meat and potatoes" of MORE  and/or TWO down first!)  1-2 times a week  (and I do NOT use weighted shoes!)


MORE Broom then Broom walking workout 1 or 2 1-2 days per week


One day completely off, other than Primary Back Stretch, Organs in Place and a Hoedown or two!


I basically workout 5-6 days per week, one day completely off.   Most of the time, this is under half an hour.  I can actually get dressed and lace up my shoes and workout in half an hour to 40 minutes with all but the MORE Broom and Broom 2 option.


I love the way the Total Workout really does work you out totally!  But I don’t always have that 55 minute block of time.  You can split it up (BWO+ in the morning, the rest at night after Primary Back Stretch), but I have a hard time fitting things in in the afternoon/evening time.   I have actually divided the TWO up between two days like this–up through Runner’s Stretch one day (about half an hour), PBS (Primary Back Stretch) then Arms to end (about 20 minutes).  You might not get as much benefit, but you will still get something!


Like many of you, I don’t have tons of time.  I have learned, though, that this workout is more than just "inch loss", it is total health!  At least get the book, Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes, (or from Amazon.com here) from the library and get the feel for what all is behind it.  Teresa is a generous person and her real thrust is health.  I make time for this because it affects my energy levels, my hormones (I’m 46 and feel more balanced than I did in my 20s!), and my mental clarity. 


So again, my top two recommendations, are:


MORE 4 in 1


BWO+/SATI (Basic Workout Plus and Step Away the Inches–can come as a set)  




BWO+/Broom Workout (although it’s considered a clinic style workout, I feel there is enough instruction in there for beginners–but do get familiar with BWO+ or MORE first!)


If you can swing it and get the TWO plus SATI or Broom, go for it!   You can purchase the second half of TWO later  (you have to own BWO+ first, and I don’t know the cost of part 2).


Okay, that’s a drink from a fire hydrant!  


I will still gladly answer questions, and please don’t feel badly if you still don’t understand something!  It can be confusing at first!   But it is worth it!!!!! 



3 Responses to “More About T-Tapp”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I wanted to invite you to the Titus 2 Blog Party that is going on this week. It is hosted by Michelle at http://shelookethwell.blogspot.com/

    It is a great way to meet a lot of new like-minded ladies and explore their blogs!

    There will be new posts each day and daily giveaways for all who participate. Check out my posts from yesterday:


    Hope to see you there!


    Come Join us!

  2. Mom 7 Plus says:


    What a terrific post! Thank you for putting it so eloquently! It helped break everything down for me as far as time constraints and workout schedules! Thank you.

    Hope you are having an ok day.


  3. Judy says:

    I'm going to have to save for a while before ordering, but I'm anxious to get started! Thanks for taking time to share so much helpful info!

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