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Buried in STUFF!!!!!

My garage is full.  My sewing room is full–I guess it’s a STUFF room now!  My entry is full.  I mean, literally, you have to walk a sideways shuffle to get to the door, then you can only open it part way.  I had to apologize to the guys bringing our new refrigerator (that we use in the garage–for produce and goats milk!) that I couldn’t open the big garage door–STUFF would fall out all over the place! 


Where did it all come from?  Nearly 50 years of marriage and 32 years in the same house.  My mom is officially moved into her new apartment (the girls can see her windows from our property and she can see our barn from her window!).   We need to clear STUFF out quickly so if her house gets shown, it will look nice and……empty.    My mom can only handle an hour or so at a time of going through STUFF.  So we got the STUFF she needed right away moved over and the rest…..resides in boxes in my garage, sewing room, entry, and even a few boxes upstairs!



Less than two weeks until the 4-H judging then a week later the fair officially starts (although for us, it "officially starts" the 30th due to project judging then shaving goats before the animals go in on the 5th!).  So the STUFF will have to wait until July 14. 


Until then, if you come to visit, just be prepared to either do the sideways shuffle or go through the garage—but don’t look at the STUFF!




One Response to “Buried in STUFF!!!!!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi, Mrs. R! : )

    (I'm posting this in the most recent post, but it actually goes with the last one.)

    Thanks so much for sharing. I may not have had any of the "Mom" experiences you mention, but I can still relate to and apply what you're saying, at my age. God is really emphasizing to me right now- from so many different places- that He is preparing me for the future by what is going on in my life right now… whether it's fun or not. May God bless you for sharing with others your struggles, so that they might learn and be encouraged.

    Hope you guys have/had fun at the 4-H fair. I would have loved to come and see your projects, but such is not to be. : ) Tell all the girls I said "Hello!" and{HUGS} and {SMILES} to you all!

    Love you guys, and God bless! ~DB : )

    P.S. God bless your work with the STUFF. : )

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