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Keeping Our Focus

However you chose to vote yesterday, and whatever your feelings today, it is important that as a blood-bought Child of God, we remember that we are not here to party or wail, but to pray.  (Yes, I needed that reminder, too!  )


I get e-mails from Phyllis Sather, and she had these wonderful websites listed that I went to and bookmarked.   I offer them here for you to ponder and remind you of our responsibility to our elected leaders (whether they’re the ones you elected or not!)


I am firmly convinced that our nation is the shape it’s in not because of the Democrats, the Liberals, nor the global conspiratists, but because we as Christians have lost our savor as the "salt of the earth".    When God’s people are holy, seeking Him (and not His gifts), living lives that are pleasing to Him (and not ourselves or our peers), willing to suffer for Him (which we really know nothing about here in America), then God moves.  He doesn’t need a majority, He doesn’t need to compromise, He doesn’t need anything or anyone–He is quite capable of running the universe and men’s affairs, whether or not they acknowledge Him.  He has quite a history of using the weak to confound the strong! 


So, with that, I offer these websites to encourage you and admonish you to do the most important thing you can do—PRAY!


First,  An Election Perspective From Serbia.


Then go to Biblical Thoughts on Elections, Leaders, and Believers.


Check out The Presidential Prayer Team.  Often I want to pray, but don’t really know how.  This is a wonderful guide and resource!  Be sure to scroll towards the bottom and click to read about Rutherford B. Hayes, president from 1877-1881.


And something I am so glad to be a part of, 77 Days of Prayer for Our New President.  You can sign up and have this e-mailed daily from now until the Inauguration.  Now more than ever, our president needs our prayers.


And finally, to inspire you, here is an absolutely beautiful arrangement of Battle Hymn of the Republic, sung at a public school!  You will definitely be inspired!  (And maybe shed some tears! )


Blessings to you as you seek to obey the mandate to pray for our nation’s leaders.

3 Responses to “Keeping Our Focus”

  1. littlecreek says:

    Thanks for sharing the websites. I just signed up for the daily prayer emails.

    Thanks for the encouragement!


  2. thewoons says:

    Check out the free E-Book giveaway at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/hstv/615379

    Thanks so much!

    Charity Woon


  3. fruitbuns says:

    It is interesting that it says in the bible, that when Jesus returns, will He find faith on the earth. It seems to be in the negative. People talk of a revival going on, but I haven't seen any signs of it. God sends these leaders, like in the old testament, as judgement.

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