I’ve really fallen down on the job here! Between normal busyness and a sore throat/cold last week, I’ve been knocked for a loop!
We’re all doing better, the sun is shining, it snowed Monday…yes, snowed! My mom’s birthday is later this month and she says she can remember having snow covering the ground on her birthday! Thankfully, not lately!
For Today….
Outside My Window…. it is sunny and 50ish. Nice change from the snow a few days ago!
I am thinking…of taking a walk later today!
From the learning rooms… the usual dailies, but it’s kind of an unofficial "Spring Break"!
I am thankful for….the sunshine!
From the kitchen….roast with carrots and potatoes—in the crock pot now! Mmm-mm!
I am wearing…an older "Easter" jumper of multi-colored pastel flowers and stripes, with a pink blouse (and bare feet, of course!)
I am reading…The Hidden Life of Prayer by D.M. McIntyre and The Heart of the King by Ron Auch (I’ll finish it one of these days!)
I am hoping…to get back on my Bible reading schedule and finish it this month!
I am creating…a new Easter jumper for this year.
I am hearing…Isaiah hollering for Leah to get him down from the high chair ("Leeeeeahhh! Done!"), Anna, Bekah, Charissa and Noah are heading out to see if Tiffany has had her babies yet! (Mama goat!) The other three girls are on their way home from cello lessons. And Pooh is barking to go outside….again!
Around the house….the bar is still messy (I should take a picture so you all feel at home! ), there are dollhouses behind me (the new rage at our house–we put some bigger toys up and rotate, so it’s almost like new!), two Easter jumpers done and hanging behind me (we jokingly call the clothes we hang out here in the sunroom to dry our "curtains"! They change daily and get quite colorful!), and the rest of the house is fairly "normal"–for us, that is!
A few plans for the rest of the week…finish my jumper, do T-Tapp with a neighbor/friend (we’ve gotten together twice so far–makes it fun!), the bi-weekly grocery trip, and that’s probably enough!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you….
Mount Bedding-on-the-Stairs!
Have a blessed day!
Have missed you!
I was blessed with a crock pot last week, it sure is great. Much more tase.
Hope you have a better week.t