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T-Tapp Tuesday–Lots of Goodies!

SO much to share today!  :)

First of all, the meaty stuff–it will be a bit shorter and sweeter since there are a few other things I want to tell you about ( including the give-away!).

I posted a little while back about the importance of Ribs Up (shoulder/hip alignment).  Now I’m going to give you a little “try it out” to see what I mean.  We did this last night in our class.

First, get into the “plie stance”, feet shoulder width apart, toes out to 11 and 1 on the clock (if you have knee issues, bring the toes forward a bit).  Bend, tuck/curl that core (flatten lower back as if against a wall, pulling belly button to spine), lift ribs, knees out.

Now reach away with your arms, straight out from your shoulders, as if someone is pulling your arms out of their sockets–really r-e-a-c-h!   Turn your hands so they are facing forward, thumbs up.  Gently fold your fingers over, and gently stretch the thumb up.   Now reach away again.

Keep everything tight tight tight!   Stay very focused and lift your ribs a bit more.   You should feel some extra tightening in your triceps, lats, pecs, tummy area, and along the outside of hips and thighs!

You might not be totally connected kinetically to feel that on the first time.  Go ahead! Do it several times, focusing on a different muscle group each time!

Now you have a “hands on” (or is that “muscles on”?!) example of how keeping the ribs up can help you activate all the way from triceps to quads!  ;)

If you have a mirror, why not do a few moves in front of the mirror this week, specifically focusing on keeping ribs up and shoulders back in alignment with the hips?

More fun stuff!

PBS has put out a “sizzle reel” of what they’re going to be showing for their August fund-raising.  This is what I flew to Ft. Lauderdale for back in February!

You can click here to go to the YouTube clip, and if you pause it at about the 27 second mark, look to the right of the screen and you’ll see Marty in a blue shirt–and he has a perfect “heart” sweat mark on his shirt!  We teased him about “sweating hearts” because he loved T-Tapp so much! :)

(Do realize you will see everyone in workout gear, just to advise you! )

T-Tapp will be offering some tremendous deals for the PBS fundraiser, so see if your local station will be carrying this promo and you might be able to purchase T-Tapp products for a steal of a deal that won’t be available anywhere else!

Okay, now for the really fun stuff!

I am having a giveaway–actually I will have giveaways for the next FOUR weeks, leading up to my birthday in June! 

For this week, the prize is a Step Away the Inches dvd!

Now, how to enter!

1. Leave a comment and tell me which T-Tapp workout is your favorite (if you don’t T-Tapp yet, which one you would like to get).

2. Leave a comment each time you do a T-Tapp workout (yes, TappCore counts–at least 3 moves–so even you busy young mamas can enter! ;) )  Let me know what workout you did (or which moves!).

3. Tell others about the giveaway–FaceBook, Twitter, e-mail, blog, forum (if appropriate–don’t violate any forum rules!)  Let me know you did and post a link, if applicable (I don’t have FB, but I have friends who do! ;) )  You can do this up to 3 times a day if you so desire!

4. Practice the “exercise” I gave you for ribs up every day this week (you can take Sunday off).  On a workout day do it before you work out, and on off days do it at least once.  Post that you “did the Ribs Up Exercise”.

5. This one counts DOUBLE!   Tell me what you’d like me to address in future T-Tapp Tuesday posts.   If you have a big list (LOL!) just one entry per day on this one, please! :)

This giveaway will run until midnight Monday, May 30.  I will announce the winner next Tuesday as well as what the next giveaway is!

And Fabulous Family Friday will be back–Lord willing!–this Friday. 

Happy Tappin’!  ;)

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18 Responses to “T-Tapp Tuesday–Lots of Goodies!”

  1. TinaJewel says:

    BWO+ is my first to do and the one I go back too!

  2. TinaJewel says:

    I posted a link in our Week 21T-Tapp Accountability Chit Chat thread in our Health and Fitness forum on Hearthkeepers.com. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as it is a private members-only forum. It IS there though even though you can’t check!

  3. Cindy says:

    I’ve done B+WO and am currently doing TWO, both from the book, because I haven’t been able to purchase anything else. But would love to try Hit the Floor.

    • Trisch says:

      Ohhh! From the book! I started from the book, too! It’s tough, but it can be done!

      There are often some great deals at T-Tapp–are you on the forums? I’ll try to post here when there are good deals coming up!

      Hit the Floor is a good one–I actually call Critter Crunch the “Instructional” for HTF! It is a Master Class that was taught at Safety Harbor and it really helped me get connected with my abs. You can do it with HTF, too, though—maybe that will be a future post! ;)

      Thank you for entering!


  4. Cindy says:

    Would love to have you address moves, like Jazz Twist and Torso Twist, that are suppose to help the “roll” between my waist and hips. I’m short-waisted so it really makes it difficult to fit skirts.

  5. Flybaby says:

    I do not have any T-Tapp yet. I think I would be happy with any of them, or you could pick the best one for a 50-something woman with arthritis in the knees and herniated disks (and arthritis) in the back. Thanks.

    • Trisch says:

      I would suggest MORE. It is a phenomenal workout in that it is gentle for newbies or those with health/joint issues, yet as you get stronger, the slower pace challenges you and it becomes harder! :)

      With the short 10 minute Chair workout, even on a “bad” day you could do a sit-down workout–MORE really saved me when I had issues with my hip!

      There is special on MORE right now–on the left side at the store, click on May 2011 specials. Scroll down a little bit and MORE is $59.46 with free shipping! (That’s $8 savings!)

      There is also a MORE Breast Health Package, click on Starter Systems and then it’s usually on the first page. It includes MORE, the Brushing dvd and a brush, a bottle of alfalfa, TappCore and Finger and Foot Fitness for $99–a really good deal, too!

      Feel free to ask any more questions you may have!

      Thanks for entering!


  6. TinaJewel says:

    Did my BWO+ for the day!

  7. TinaJewel says:

    Emailed about the giveaway to my friend Kristina in CO!

  8. I have to say, TTapp MORE…because no matter what is happening in my life, with injuries and issues, I can always do something on the TTapp MORE video!

    And if I fall off the wagon, I can always start back up right here! even when I have to do it sitting down!

  9. Liz says:

    Favorite exercise? I would have to say the walking on TappCore.

  10. Liz says:

    I did the ribs up exercise. Nice way to just sorta stretch after sitting for awhile.

  11. Laura says:

    I am fairly new to ttapp with just three months but I love MORE!!

  12. Liz says:

    My workout for Monday: primary back stretch, hoe downs, awesome legs, and flat stomach.

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