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T-Tapp Tuesday–What’s So Great About Alfalfa?

First things first!

The winner of the SunRay Sit Down TappCore is…..



Please e-mail me at tinklingbells (at) medt (dot) com with your address so I can get it out to you!


Thank you everyone for entering!  And keep up the GREAT work on getting your workouts in!




Teresa has a Premium Blended Alfalfa that is a really good product!


I was taking another good brand of alfalfa, so I decided to finish that first.  I could not believe the difference when I started taking Teresa’s!


I shed water immediately! 


I’ve also noticed that it helps balance my hormones.  Two of my daughters, whose cycles were not regular, started taking alfalfa and both their cycles have really evened out!


I also noticed it helps my skin.   T-Tapp alone helps blood flow which brings that “glow” to your skin.  But I really think the alfalfa has helped even more.  I had bad acne as a teen (and a 20 something, and a 30 something….) and my skin never totally evened out.  Since T-Tapp and taking Teresa’s alfalfa, I get compliments all the time on my skin!  And I wear no make-up!  I am even taken for my daughters’ sister sometimes!  (Gotta love that! ;) )


Alfalfa is a legume, and it:


~Is anti-inflammatory
~Offsets cortisol
~Alkalizes body
~Tightens the skin


A few more interesting facts:

~The alfalfa comes from 2 fields–1 is sprayed with ionic minerals, 1 is not. Then they are “blended” together. No more than .003% variable on the minerals.  (Hence the name:  Premium Blended Alfalfa)

~Never less than 21.7% protein, and can be as high as 28.4% protein.

~It is cut and put in an air-conditioned facility, and is cold-press extracted.

~Mold alters the chemical make-up of protein, which can actually make you gain weight! That is why she goes to the lengths to keep it temperature controlled.

~Alfalfa reverses aging in the skin of the face according to a 5 year study from 1999.


Teresa’s Premium Blended Alfalfa is only the leaf–no sprouts or seeds.  From what I’ve learned, sometimes you can actually gain with some  brands of alfalafa!

It is somewhat pricey, but knowing the lengths Teresa goes to to keep this alfalfa at peak nutrient level, I’m surprised it doesn’t cost more!  She pays a LOT to ship it from the other side of the country in air-conditioned semis to keep the quality high.  It is then stored in air-conditioned facilities, too.  I really appreciate the lengths she goes to to bring us a quality product!

It has helped one friend of mine get off her bio-identical hormones completely!  Another friend on the forums said alfalfa helped her lower her Synthroid–twice!  

It is helpful for menopause and for night sweats. Here are a few tips: 

~No sugar or carbs before bed–can cause night sweats!

~1g carb retains 3g water

~take alfalfa before bed

~Protein helps rid body of edema and helps with elimination

I try to buy it when there are good specials and stock up!  It is one supplement I try not to do without–I had gotten sporadic back in April, and the cycle I had that month reminded me of why I take it!!!

Better skin, better hormones, a good anti-inflammatory–all in one great product, with quality you can trust!


This week’s giveaway is a bottle of the Premium Blended Alfalfa! 

To enter, you can do any or all of the following:

1. Leave a comment and tell me what “benefit” of alfalfa intrigues you the most.

2. Leave a comment each time you do a T-Tapp workout (yes, TappCore counts–at least 3 moves–so even you busy young mamas can enter! )  Let me know what workout you did (or which moves!).

3. Tell others about the giveaway–FaceBook, Twitter, e-mail, blog, forum (if appropriate–don’t violate any forum rules!)  Let me know you did and post a link, if applicable (I don’t have FB, but I have friends who do! )  You can do this up to 3 times a day if you so desire!

4.  This one counts DOUBLE!   I am hoping to certify as a T-Tapp Trainer this fall, and I also hope to offer some online classes.  What would you like to see in an online class?  What things would be helpful to you?   (It would probably be a 4 week class.)

If you post one day and think of something else the next, that’s fine!  You’ll get double points for BOTH posts! :)

Until next week–Happy Tappin’!  :D

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36 Responses to “T-Tapp Tuesday–What’s So Great About Alfalfa?”

  1. TinaJewel says:

    I used up two bottles of the Alfalfa from T-Tapp! I loved how it helped eliminate the fluids better.
    After a my son’s broken arm I decided to try to save and buy some local. I noticed that the elimination of fluids didn’t change any.
    :) Will be headed back to Teresa’s brand as soon as I can!
    Maybe I will win this bottle!

  2. Tonia says:

    Hi! I followed the link to your blog from the T-Tapp forums. I’ve found your form tip blog posts very helpful!

    Is your giveaway open to people living in Canada?

    • Trisch says:

      Glad to see you here, Tonia!

      I checked what a small flat rate box is to Canada, and it’s about $11.95 US. That’s not terrible, so go ahead and enter! :) I promise I won’t let that influence me! ( I actually use Random.org to decide because I’m like Teresa–I want everyone to win! :D )

  3. Liz says:

    I would say the benefit that intriques me most is the sking tightening.

    • Trisch says:

      It’s truly amazing! I attribute the skin brushing and taking alfalfa to my skin tightening up with no loose skin hanging anywhere—even after 8 sizes!

  4. Liz says:

    Today’s workout was BWO+

  5. Pam Gregory says:

    I like Teresa’s alfalfa for all of the benefits but especially appreciate improvement in my cycles.

  6. Joelle says:

    I’m intrigued about the skin benefits. I’ve been really frustrated with my skin since my second child was born 3 1/2 years ago. I used to have nice skin, but now it has a lot of problem areas.

    • Trisch says:

      As I stated in my post, Joelle, I had horrible acne from ages 11 to 24, when I had my oldest! Even then, I still had some acne until I was into my 30s! I never had a nice, even skin tone until T-Tapp and Teresa’s alfalfa! It’s truly amazing how it feeds the skin!

  7. Jill says:

    I, too, tried a local brand of alfalfa and did not experience the same benefits as the one Teresa offers. My most noticeable change is in my monthly cycle. Definitely evens things out!

  8. Gena says:

    Wow–the alfalfa sounds great. I know there is some in my multi-vitamin, but I wonder if it’s not the same?

    Thanks for the DVD–I emailed you my address. Now, if I have issues with clots in my legs or plantar fasciitis again (from pregnancies), I can still exercise sitting down!


    • Trisch says:

      I’ll let you know as soon as I send the dvd, Gena!

      I can’t be sure, but my guess is the alfalfa in your multi probably isn’t the Premium Blended kind. From what I understand, Teresa is the only US distributor of it. That’s just based on my little bit of knowledge, though! ;)

      My plantar fasciitis got much better with T-Tapp! I had broken one of my feet about 6 years ago, and it always ached during weather changes–it hasn’t now for about 1 1/2 years! T-Tapp truly rehabs every part of us! :)

      Congratulations on winning the giveaway!

      • Gena says:

        Did you do any specific foot exercises to rehabilitate your feet? All I’ve done so far is BWO+, SATI, and TappCore.


        • Trisch says:

          Gena, basically just the workouts–standing in T-Tapp stance, knee to little toe (KLT), helps rebuild the arches, so my guess is that has helped my foot that was broken as well!

          I do have the Finger and Foot Fitness dvd, and want to make more time for it. It feels sooooo good to do the foot moves! Kind of like my own little “mini-massage”! :)

  9. Lucy says:

    I started using the Alfalfa a couple months back and it has made a huge difference in my cycle. I used to get bad cramps, nausea, constipation, backache, heavy bleeding – you name it, I had it. My period was misery. Since taking the alfalfa my periods are lighter, less cramps, less nausea. They are no picnic, but they are much more tolerable and I don’t need to take a day or two off from life because I am in such misery. I have tried a lot of different alternative remedies for this problem and Alfalfa has been the only remedy that has worked more than once. I take 4 pills a day (can’t afford more than that, those pills are expensive!) in addition to other supplements I take for other reasons. Even when I’m not consistent in T-Tapping (I am so undisciplined it would make you sick) the alfalfa still works.

  10. Cindy says:

    Wednesday I did a B+WO (Sorry I didn’t get to post until now.

  11. Cindy says:

    I have Psoriasis and would love to see improvement in my skin by trying the Alfalfa. Thanks for doing another drawing!

  12. Cindy says:

    Friday, I did the TWO.

  13. Cindy says:

    Today, I did the TWO. Trisch, I was wondering if you could share to advice about proper attire for exercising. Do you wear a certain type of shoes? Is it helpful to don sweat or stretch pants? I don’t even have a decent pair of tennies right now. So, when I buy a new pair, I would like to get something that would help.

    • Trisch says:

      Cindy, that’s a great idea–and I think I’ll address it on this week’s T-Tapp Tuesday post….which will be a Workout Wednesday post! (I’m about to post about what all has kept me from writing my T-Tapp post!)

  14. Angie says:

    I was taking an off brand (made from only leaves as well) and liked the results but quit taking it awhile ago due to some weird issues I am having with pinched nerves, painful muscles, etc. I wasn’t sure if I was having an allergic reaction to the alfalfa, swelling, retaining water, or what so I just quit everything new that I wasn’t sure about and am waiting for a time period of healing before I try again. I would love to try Teresa’s Alfalfa but there is just no way that we can afford the cost on our income (even with special prices ~ I know it may well be worth it, but unfortunately I can’t convince my dear hubby of the value). If I win a bottle, maybe the results would be so convincing that my husband would be fine with my stocking up during sale prices. I am most interested in seeing if I would get immediate results with water shedding and see how it helps with the hormonal balance during my cycle.

    • Trisch says:

      I understand, Angie. It is expensive and hard to justify if you don’t know if it will work! Hopefully you’ll win and can see if it helps!

  15. Angie says:

    I did the Basic Workout Plus and Organs in Place and Half Frogs yesterday.

  16. Angie says:

    I completed the BWO+ and OIP/HF this morning.

  17. Angie says:

    I told a good friend who is a fellow T-Tapper about your give-away.

  18. Angie says:

    Some thoughts for your online course ~ it would be nice to see what the moves look like from different angles (side views, a back view, etc.) along with some commentary about if that move was difficult for you when you first started T-Tapping. I know I have often wondered if I was the only one who struggled maintaining balance with hoedowns or if it was common to be unable to complete plies without needing to stop for water. I sometimes hear my bones making a clunking sound during hoedowns, too, and I wonder if that means I’m doing something wrong ~ or do others hear that, too.

  19. Angie says:

    I did the BWO+ and OIP/HF again this morning. I had about 3 weeks where I couldn’t exercise due to nerve/muscle pain in my legs, so I’m trying to do a boot camp again to get back on track for inch loss.

  20. Angie says:

    I did Triceps, Arm Reaches, Hoe Downs, and OIP/HF this morning.

  21. Angie says:

    I did the BWO+ and OIP/HF this morning.

  22. Therese says:

    Hi there, don’t know if I can still enter for the PB Alfalfa, but here goes…..
    I do the BWO everyday and OIP. I am following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for my gut health and for my son’s severe gut issues and the PB Alfalfa seems to be the only “legal” one out there for us to use:-) I would like to sleep better too at age 51:-)

    I would be most interested in a online class that really focuses on form….I use the DVDs no matter how many times I have already done so and memorized moves, but the DVDs always bring me back to good form:-) Also, would like to focus on trouble areas…..hips thighs and butt!

    I have told two friends about the PB Alfalfa and am sending this link to one and my daughter:-)

    Thank you!!
    P.S. keeping your prayer request as part of our intentions.

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