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100 Inches!!!

I’ve mentioned T-Tapp from time to time.  And there’s a link on the sidebar to their site!   I’ve been "T-Tapping" for 2 years as of the end of January.  I was in a Women’s Plus Size 22/24 (I just kept wearing my maternity jumpers, even though my son was almost 4 months old!    )  


I had tried different exercises–Core strengthening, Pregnancy Without Pounds, (and Mommy Without Pounds), rebounding and walking.   I lost nothing!  Nada, zip, zilch!   It was very discouraging!  I remember telling my husband,  "Well, I’ll be fat, but at least I’ll be flexible!"


When a friend told me about T-Tapp, and how she lost inches rather quickly, I was all ears!   Another friend loaned me her Basic Workout, I saved my change, and later started with the Total Workout and Step Away the Inches.   For the first time in a l-o-n-g time, inches were coming off!  


I had been in First Place, a Bible Study weight loss accountability program.   But the problem is, it focuses on pounds.   The scale does NOT tell the story!   And focusing on not eating made it hard for me!   I hate being on one eating plan and not able to eat with my family.   We already eat a lot of whole foods, organic produce, home raised chicken, etc.  When we have sweets, we make them and control the sugar in them.  I did have a Milky Way habit, though!  


Over the past two years I have seen the inches and sizes drop!  I have seen wonderful health benefits as well.  In fact, at this point, I really T-Tapp for the health benefits and inch loss is second!  (A close second, mind you!   )  I have a hard time fitting in the longer 50 minute workout, although I have done it.  Most of my workouts have been the shorter ones–half an hour or less.  The consistency of doing them 5-6 days a week has paid off!


Just a week ago, I hit the BIG mark of having lost 100 inches!   WOO-HOO!   AND 7 sizes!  I am now in a size 10!  I actually can take some things in to an 8, but my bottom half is definitely a 10!  


Now to prove that weight doesn’t really matter–I have only lost 17 pounds!   Muscle weighs more than fat, and if the inches are coming off but pounds aren’t as much, I have learned that you are building muscle and bone.  And that is good weight!   I do weigh occasionally, but I am no longer a slave to the scale.  I got tired of it robbing me of my success!  I have lost pounds before and nothing shows!   But to lose inches and sizes–well, who cares what I weigh?!  My husband hasn’t tried to pick me up much since he carried me over the threshhold almost 26 years ago!  


I highly recommend T-Tapp–it is rehabilitative, it can work for any fitness level (don’t let it fool you–it is more difficult than it looks!).   There are all kinds of workouts, but the "meat and potatoes" is the Basic Workout Plus or Total Workout.  The Basic Workout, or BWO+, as it’s known, is the first 15 minutes of the Total.  You can check out Teresa’s book Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes.  It does have the moves well photographed, but it is hard to learn just from the book.  You will learn how it came about and the theory behind it as well as testimonies–from all sizes.  There are NOT just pics of skinny size 2 models, but real people!  


Here are Try Before You Buy exercises–some are on video and others are print outs.  Definitely check out Hoedowns (first video)–they are proven to lower blood sugar!   And you definitely feel more alert after doing them!   It is a coordination challenge–just do your best!


There are also free forums (you do need to register–it helps keep spammers out–but you would never have to post anything and can read lots of tips!) where the trainers and veteran tappers offer advice and help, as well as encouragement.  I am convinced that I would not have been quite as consistent without the support there!


If you need to lose some inches, rehab some knees/hips/shoulders/whatever, or want to take your workouts up a notch, give it a try.   I guarantee you it will help move the lymph like nothing you’ve ever tried, and you will feel better–and probably lose some inches, too!   It is progressive, so you never "outgrow it" nor do you ever have to do more than 8 reps–your body becomes its own resistance, and you need about 4 sq. ft. of space to do it in!  Very portable, too!  I’ve done it in hotel rooms, outside our camper, and different areas of my home!  


Oh, and I didn’t diet!  I did give up my Milky Ways….I like Endangered Species dark chocolate now, and it’s "ruined" me!  I can’t stand the usual variety of candy bars at the checkout now!   I eat with my family, I don’t deprive myself.  I do try to not overdo it on bread and sweets, and try for 2-4 veggies a day (lately it’s been a bit harder due to the craziness of life!).  But other than that, no major changes and no "dieting"!



Here is a picture of me when I started T-Tapping–at a size 22/24 Women’s.  The dress was the nicest one I fit into, and it was tight!





This was last October–down 90+ inches and size 12 misses:




I’ll have to get another taken and post it soon!


So there you go.  Real people.  Real results.  T-Tapp.


No, I didn’t get paid for that!  LOL!   Seriously, check it out!    It has worked like nothing before, and I’m going to keep on "tapping" and see about losing the rest of my extra inches!



14 Responses to “100 Inches!!!”

  1. watalulu says:

    Hey Trisch,


  2. Anonymous says:

    Good for you! Way to go! It is very refreshing to see something in inches rather than pounds…because pounds tend to be discouraging. I am going to check this program out! BUT WAY TO GO TOYOU!!!

    Blessings, Kelly


  3. Judy says:

    I'm very impressed with your story! Just wondering exactly what I should purchase from T-Tapp? Are the dvd's just instructions or actual workouts?

  4. Mama9blessings says:

    Judy, my advice would be to get either the MORE 4 in 1 or the BWO+/SATI combo.

    MORE sounds like it might be "too easy", but I found it is great for focusing on form and less reps, a little slower so you can remember to "bend it, lift it, tuck it"!

    I forgot to mention that I hardly ever see my chiropractor anymore! That alone has paid for my workouts! ; ) And I used to HATE exercise dvds! LOL!

    These are dvds of the workouts. There is an instructional so you can understand what she wants you to do (the MORE instructional is excellent!). MORE also has 3 "shorter" workouts of 7-10 minutes each–Chair (I sweat a LOT doing this one–yes, sitting down!), Broom, and Step (a shorter walking workout). Oh, and it has one that bumps it up a notch–so really you get FIVE in 1!

    The BWO+/SATI is the Basic Workout (15 minutes) and Step Away the Inches (a really good walking workout!).

    Feel free to e-mail me or post more questions! : )



  5. Anonymous says:

    I am awed at your progress and inspired. Not sure how I found your blog, but have stopped by from time to time and this may be an answer to prayer.


  6. Judy says:

    I was able to find the BWO+/SATI DVD on the site, but I can't seem to find the MORE one? (Which would be better for a totally out-of-shape beginner?)Also, as far as the SATI, how do you do the walking indoors?

    I do enjoy your blog–I'm a homeschooling mom of 6, 5 boys and 1 girl. I was so excited when I first found your blog, and saw that you dress a lot like me! :-)

  7. Mama9blessings says:

    Here is the link for the MORE dvd: https://store.t-tapp.com/products/T%252dTapp-MORE-Rehab-Program-%252d-DVD.html

    I would recommend this one even if you weren't out of shape! : ) But this is the best one, in my opinion! You can go far with it and maybe later purchase the Total Workout, but seriously, you could use this one to get great results!

    You can purchase the book from Amazon.com and send in the coupon in the back–it's a one time 30% discount. And the book has the dvd in the back that has some moves for the tummy!

    I would also recommend getting the body brush or one like it somewhere–it really does help that skin tighten up!

    Again, feel free to ask more questions either here or e-mail me! Or private message!



  8. Anonymous says:


    You go girl! I love this post and I am so impressed by your results with T-Tapp!! I admire your consistency and perseverance!!! Just think where I might be if I had stuck with it?? Ok, you have motivated me to try once again!!!!

    Can you tell me how/when you fit in your workouts with your busy school days? Do you get up early? or work out after lunch?? I'm sure you can totally relate, but it seems that every single time I got going with a good routine, that sickness or a crisis of some sort would set me back, and eventually I gave up. But, I am going to do a T-Tapp workout TODAY!!

    I have started a new series on my blog called Weight Loss Wednesdays, and I featured your phenomenal results in my blog post today! check it out — http://www.yes-theyre-all-ours.blogspot.com/ — and leave a comment!

    So, do you think I can see results by doing the BWO+ or Lady Bug work out 5 or 6 days a week? I seem to have a mental roadblock to doing the Total Workout and 50 minutes is just so long!!!

    Thanks for sharing your testimony and pictures (can't wait to see your latest pic!!). You are an inspiration to us all!!!




  9. Mama9blessings says:

    Hi, Elizabeth! Thank you for sharing my story on your blog!

    Like you, I don't have time to do the 50 minute workout as often as I'd like. I did/do see results doing the shorter workouts consistently. It might take a little longer, but it *will* happen!

    BWO+ is safe to do every day, and you can do the LadyBug BWO+ portion for variety. If you do the whole standing LadyBug workout (40 minutes, about) or the Floor portion (30 minutes), it's considered a full workout, so you'd want to alternate that with the shorter ones. You could do LadyBug standing one day, then either BWO+ or LadyBug BWO+ on the next day, do LadyBug Floor one day, then the BWO+ the other days (or sub LadyBug BWO+ portion). I really think you will see results. Like I said, for me, consistently doing shorter workouts 5-6 times a week is the key. If I can fit in at least one longer workout or a more intense one in a week, that's great, but I don't stress over it anymore! : )

    In fact, these past few weeks have been challenging as I'm soooo tired from the dc having had whooping cough! Yeah, I know ALL about LIFE happening! LOL!

    I do try to do it first thing–I usually get up around 6 ish, have quiet time, then work out. I can do it later in the day (the boys' naptime, if *I* don't need a nap!), but first thing is best. I will even push school back to get it done, because I know it helps me health-wise and mentally, too!

    Here is a wonderful link to a post by Teresa about HoeDowns–just fitting several of those in a day will help! Just scroll down about 4 posts to her name and read the wonderful things those Hoedowns can do!


    Well, I'm turning this into a book! :-D



  10. Anonymous says:

    Hi there, I am so sorry to bother you, it seems like you must have answered this question, but I just don't understand. A little slow today ;-) Could you please tell me the top two dvds you would recommend? Would you mind using the same wording they do on the website to help me. I have about 30-40 max minutes to workout each day, but would greatly like shorter ones too. Thank you for your time. Praising God with you for the results



  11. Judy says:

    Just wanted to let your readers know that I was able to get BWO+/SATI in an older package for only $22 + $8 s/h. I would have preferred the other program that you mentioned, but my husband just got laid off, and the expense is just out of the question. I think $30 total is a terrific price for 3 DVDs and tons of info!

    Oh, I'm starting tomorrow. . . really! So far I've just been watching and trying out the positions (I'm one of those strange people that read manuals and assembly directions, LOL!), so I'm ready to roll tomorrow morning! :)

  12. Keri says:


    You are doing really good with your weight loss!

  13. Anonymous says:

    I also have 9 children and just started T-Tapp last month. I only have the Basic Workout Plus and the Step Away the Inches and am starting to "get it".

    Thanks for this post, I haven't really known where to go from here.




  14. stephanie says:


    I was on teh Ttapp site and saw your profile, you are an ins[iration to me. I also am a Christian homeschooling mother, currently pregnant with my 5th child, due at the end of May. I am wondering how you stay motived, and how long it took for you to see changes.

    I need some encouragement and don't know where to go, did you do this with anyone for support?

    I find it hard to stay motivated. It is very exciting to see how well this system has worked for you!

    God's blessings to you and your fmaily this Easter weekend, Stephanie stephincanada2005@yahoo.ca

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