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Thankful Thursday

Thursday, April 30th, 2009


Five years ago yesterday, our sixth daughter, Bekah, fell from our barn loft.  10 feet onto the concrete floor below.  At first we weren’t sure how far she had fallen, since no one had actually seen the fall.  Anna found her, and when she later showed us where Bekah landed, we realized what a miracle it was that our little girl was still with us!


She missed a short wall, rabbit cages, rabbit paraphenilia (buckets, scales, feed, etc.).  She still ended up with a severe head injury, which got her lifeflighted to a hospital an hour away.  I was just 12 weeks along with our now 4 year old son.  It was a frightening time, yet God’s peace and care were there.


The hospital was in the city our church meets in, so many of our church family were there to support us and help in any way they could. 


Bekah didn’t speak much at all for two days.  I wondered, since she had just turned 5, if there would be any long term damage that might show up as she got older. 


Today, I am thankful and very happy to say that she is fine!  No repercussions at all from her accident!  Praise God!


We also had no insurance at the time.  The Lord provided through the generosity of many, many of His people!  We were able to pay all the bills off within 2 months time!!!


So today, I am very thankful for Bekah, for her complete recovery, and for His provision!





What are you thankful for today?  If you post something on your blog, please sign in on Mr. Linky, so I and others can rejoice in God’s goodness with you!




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Thankful Thursday

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

I know there might already be someone with a theme like this, but I decided to start one for myself!


It is soooooo easy to get our eyes off what’s right and onto what’s wrong in our daily lives, our families, our city, country, the world…….and there’s plenty wrong!   Remember this quote by Abraham Lincoln?  "If you look for the bad in people, you will surely find it."   Proverbs 11:27 has the opposite:  "He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour:  but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him."   Umm….I think I would rather diligently seek the good and procure favor rather than mischief and then get what I was looking for!!!!  


So, want to join me?   Here’s my button:



If you don’t know how to save it, just right click, choose "save picture as" and then choose where you want to save it (usually I save mine in My Pictures).   Then please either link back here by adding the web url to the button or somewhere in your post.   And don’t forget to sign Mr. Linky so I and others can be encouraged by your thankful posts!   You can leave a comment, too, if you like!


So, what am I thankful for this Thursday?


My wonderful church family.   We have been so blessed to fellowship with like-minded believers for 7 years now.  We drive 1 hour 15 minutes one way, but it is worth every bit of it.  These brothers and sisters in Christ really pray for you.   And they are so generous!  When you see the financial statements once a year, a good portion of the money goes to needs in the body.   We meet at a nursing home, and they started meeting there for a free place to have church.  Over the years, they’ve realized that that is the ministry God has for our church, as we can bring some of the residents down for our service.  Some of them are not altogether "with it" mentally, but we know their spirits are still being ministered to.  They ask for prayer requests of the residents that attend and pray for them. 


In spite of having land to build on, they feel that our ministry as a church is right where we are.


We get down on our knees and pray for our nation every Sunday.  And usually, that means we’re praying for ourselves–to examine our own lives and be the salt as God intended.


When my husband had his serious accident 4 1/2 years ago, he ended up in one of the hospitals in the city where church meets.   The night of his accident, fully half our church was represented by one or both spouses, and many stayed way late into the night until they got word he was stable.   Our pastor stayed with me until Dallas was in a room at ICU, which was after midnight.


They sat in the ICU lounge with me.  They brought me food and made sure I was not on my feet too much (I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and had had contractions the night of the accident).  They sent meals to my girls, drove them all the way to our home as well as drove there to pick up clothes and things for me.   One lady did my laundry.  Another brought me breakfast and fellowship many mornings.  Different ones signed up to bring us nice dinners when Dallas was doing a bit better.


That is just one glimpse!


We live farther away, yet they will find ways to let you know they care. 


I am so grateful to the Lord for bringing us to this fellowship.   And I’m grateful to my wonderful husband, who usually hates to drive so much, for being willing to go there!    It was his choice, ultimately, and he hasn’t regretted it a bit!


The sermons are from the heart, and our pastor truly seeks God’s will and not just a nice fluffy "feel-good" sermon.  I am totally amazed how he will often preach on the very thing God is showing me that week!  Just last Sunday, I kept telling my husband, "He’s been reading my book!"  (I had been reading Ron Auch’s book When He Appears, which I highly recommend!)   How wonderful to have a pastor who really seeks God’s heart, listens to Him and isn’t afraid to preach what he’s  heard! 


Much to be grateful for!  And if you’re reading this, my Keefer Creek family, I love you all!


So what are you thankful for?