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My girls have gotten quite brave and found out how to add things to their blog!   So, inspired by another blog, Seeking Rest in the Ancient Paths  , I added music!    Even found some Wendy and Mary songs!  (Does that date me?!) 


And, homefire, if I can figure out how to record us, I’ll add it to the song roll call! 


Chicken pox #1 is doing well and healing nicely.  Now we all wait with baited breath to see who’s next!


I’m going to be messing around here, seeing if I can add pictures (my next thing to tackle, with the help of basketflat, who posted to my dilemma of figuring out how to add pictures!)

So how’s that?! Here’s my youngest, heading out to exercise in my Skechers!


So I need to work on sizing now! 


I think that is enough for my tired brain!   This might get me back to updating my very much neglected webpages one of these days!








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