This morning our milkshake total was 63. I had doubts that in two days we could reach our goal of 100. It’s been cooler this week (the coolest fair we ever remember!), we even took jackets yesterday!
So that does make it a bit hard to think of eating lots of ice cream!
The joke has been, "You can’t eat real food until you’ve had your second milkshake today!" Who ever thought a mother would be telling her children that?!!!
Would you believe that as of tonight, we have eaten……
If you do the math, that means we had 26 milkshakes today! We did only half that many yesterday!
But it was warmer today!
Tomorrow is auction day, when we sell goat wethers, chickens and one daughter is selling a milk basket. And it’s supposed to be in the upper 80s.
So what do you think?
Think we can finish up tomorrow? We only need 11 more!
Oh, I'm sure you will… that's only one each!
See you guys in 9 days!
God bless,
DB : )
Well, did you make it????