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Workout Wednesday–What About You?

I’ve posted before how my inch loss/size loss was slower than I first had hoped it would be.   But consistency does add up, if you stick with it!



The problem comes when we give up too soon….



I have these three ladies who are my faithful few–they come to every class unless sick or something comes up, but they’ve been pretty faithful since March.
One of them told me last week, “I’m not going to call you Trisch anymore! I’m going to call you ‘Skinny Minnie’!”   LOL!



Monday night  she was asking how big my thighs used to be. I didn’t have the exact stats with me, but I remember thinking at one point, “My thighs are as big as my waist used to be!”



So I looked it up.



I have lost SEVEN inches off of EACH upper thigh!!!!



And to be honest–over 2 inches of each thigh’s loss has just been since February–after four years of T-Tapp!


What if I had given up after 1 year?



Or two?



Or three?



Or four?!



Remember Dantheman’s Proven Formula for Success with T-Tapp:

1. Proper Form (that is progressive–you do your best)
2. Isometric Contraction (really activate those muscles)
3. C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y!!!



I have not killed myself with longer workouts. I can only do TWO split up and right now I can’t do a workout every day (adrenal issues, I’m healing, but still being wise with it!).


Even if “all” you can do is a few moves, 4 reps each, but with your best form and tightening everything you’ve got, consistently:



It might not come for 4 3/4 years–



Are you willing to stick with it?



As Charlotte reminds us, where will you be in 4 3/4 years if you quit now?




Is it worth it to “keep on keeping on” when you don’t see the results you were hoping, as soon as you hoped to?




Is it worth it to keep going when “all” you see are health benefits?  Yeah, that’s nice, but are you pining for more loss on the tape measure/sizes/scales?  (Haven’t I convinced you to forget those things yet?! :P )





Is there any other exercise program out there that can rehab as you do it–even if it’s just a few moves a day?



Is there any other exercise program out there an adrenal fatigued mama of many could do–that would actually help her heal instead of tear her down?


I ask again–



Is it worth it?


What about you?



Are you willing to stick with it?



Because payday IS coming if you do!  :)




(And lest you think losing little bits at a time just isn’t worth it, you might want to read these posts from the T-Tapp forums:




Little Losses *DO* Add Up! )


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4 Responses to “Workout Wednesday–What About You?”

  1. Carrie says:

    I have recently started T-tapping as well. I am very excited to see the changes in my health and inch loss. Being pregnant for the 15th time my body needs to lose a few inches:)

    • Trisch says:

      I understand, Carrie! :) It is wonderful the health benefits that you get from this workout!

      If you have any questions I can help with, please let me know!

      And congratulations on your new little blessing on the way! HUGS!


  2. Sistah says:

    Amen!!! Preach it, my sister!! (PS–those new pants? They are
    Practically sliding off me now!)

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