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Posts Tagged ‘consistency’

Workout Wednesday–What About You?

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

I’ve posted before how my inch loss/size loss was slower than I first had hoped it would be.   But consistency does add up, if you stick with it!



The problem comes when we give up too soon….



I have these three ladies who are my faithful few–they come to every class unless sick or something comes up, but they’ve been pretty faithful since March.
One of them told me last week, “I’m not going to call you Trisch anymore! I’m going to call you ‘Skinny Minnie’!”   LOL!



Monday night  she was asking how big my thighs used to be. I didn’t have the exact stats with me, but I remember thinking at one point, “My thighs are as big as my waist used to be!”



So I looked it up.



I have lost SEVEN inches off of EACH upper thigh!!!!



And to be honest–over 2 inches of each thigh’s loss has just been since February–after four years of T-Tapp!


What if I had given up after 1 year?



Or two?



Or three?



Or four?!



Remember Dantheman’s Proven Formula for Success with T-Tapp:

1. Proper Form (that is progressive–you do your best)
2. Isometric Contraction (really activate those muscles)
3. C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y!!!



I have not killed myself with longer workouts. I can only do TWO split up and right now I can’t do a workout every day (adrenal issues, I’m healing, but still being wise with it!).


Even if “all” you can do is a few moves, 4 reps each, but with your best form and tightening everything you’ve got, consistently:



It might not come for 4 3/4 years–



Are you willing to stick with it?



As Charlotte reminds us, where will you be in 4 3/4 years if you quit now?




Is it worth it to “keep on keeping on” when you don’t see the results you were hoping, as soon as you hoped to?




Is it worth it to keep going when “all” you see are health benefits?  Yeah, that’s nice, but are you pining for more loss on the tape measure/sizes/scales?  (Haven’t I convinced you to forget those things yet?! :P )





Is there any other exercise program out there that can rehab as you do it–even if it’s just a few moves a day?



Is there any other exercise program out there an adrenal fatigued mama of many could do–that would actually help her heal instead of tear her down?


I ask again–



Is it worth it?


What about you?



Are you willing to stick with it?



Because payday IS coming if you do!  :)




(And lest you think losing little bits at a time just isn’t worth it, you might want to read these posts from the T-Tapp forums:




Little Losses *DO* Add Up! )


T-Tapp Tuesday–Look Out Girls!

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

Sometimes, you just need a bit of inspiration.


You need to see that a “normal” person can make this work while balancing family life, homeschooling, cooking meals, taking care of parents—life!


Remember–I did 80% shorter workouts.  MORE, Basic Workout Plus (or variations), Step Away the Inches, or Total Workout split up.   15-25 minutes, with most of them 20 minutes or less.


I didn’t work out for hours a day, neither did I always do 6 workouts a week.  The first year or two I would work out 4-6 days per week–but I didn’t have a lot of 6 days-per-week times.  So an average is probably more 4-5.


And I had several times where I couldn’t work out due to either health issues (adrenals, miscarriage) or other “life” interruptions (my dad’s death, sick kids, mom’s death).  The longest period of time I couldn’t work out was actually a year ago after my mom unexpectedly passed away.  The first 7 weeks were maybe 1-2 workouts per week, then I had 7 weeks of no workouts at all.   Even for the next 3-4 months it was more sporadic than consistent.  Yes, I gained a few sizes back, but I stayed connected to the T-Tapp forums and I knew I was “coming back” when I could.


I’m not sure that I ever posted my “before picture” here:






That was me nearly 5 years ago.   I was attending a 16th birthday party of a friend’s daughter and they took pictures of each family that attended.



I hated that picture!



But without it, I would never have proof that I was a size 22W at one time.



Wearing mainly maternity clothes because nothing else would fit.



And having people ask me, 4 months post-partum, when my baby was due!  :(

(That’s where I was at in that picture–Isaiah was almost 4 months old!)



There were times when I didn’t “see” much change, even with inch loss.   Sometimes I’d lose a size but it didn’t seem to really change the way I looked (and I still had people asking me when my baby was due!)



But I could look at this picture, maybe take another and place them side-by-side, and I could see changes in the pictures that didn’t even seem to show on the tape measure.    Like when I realized how my forearms looked smaller.   Who measures their forearms?! ;)



I highly encourage you, no matter how much you hate it, to take pictures along the way.   At first you may not see much change, but then you may notice your posture is better.   Or maybe a slimming in your hips or arms…or forearms! :D



And then, one day, when you’ve lost 9 sizes, you can put a picture like this in your progress album:





That is my 18 year old daughter’s jumper!



Look out, Girls!   Mommy is about to raid your closets!  :lol:



As trainer Charlotte Siems says, time will go by whether you work out or not–you might not be at your goal size in a year, but if you don’t work out at all……you won’t be any closer, either.



Keep on keepin’ on--Keep On Tappin’!





T-Tapp Tuesday–The Third Key to the Proven Formula for Success

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

First an apology–I had intended to post about Math on the Level again yesterday, but…well…life happened!  ;)

I will try to get that in with this Friday’s post.   Sorry if you were waiting with baited breath!    Also, for some reason, their website is still on the blink.  I may take some pics of my books so you can at least see what it looks like!

Here is Cathy Duffy’s review of MOTL.  I’m not sure I’d use the word “demanding” as she did (she stated that it is a “demanding program for parents to use”).  I mean, yes, it takes some time, but quite frankly, even the “easiest” of math programs I’ve used took some time!

Okay, onto the third key to the proven success formula for T-Tapp!

Form can sometimes be tough to focus on.  You might think you’re doing pretty good, and then you decide to become a T-Tapp trainer and need to video yourself teaching a class.  When you watch the video, you wonder why on earth you ever thought you could be a trainer!!!  :o

Seriously, we all can improve on form.  And even though we know what to do as “veteran” tappers, we can “lose the core” if we’re not keeping an eye on it (whether in a mirror or on a video!).

Isometric contractions can be equally elusive sometimes.  We try to make sure we’re pushing through mud, no wimpy noodle arms, no wasted movements.   But there are just times we can’t seem to keep it all activated!

But in all honesty, this last key is probably the easiest and yet hardest to implement—



It is so easy to let “life” come in and the tyrrany of the urgent to take over.   It happens to all of us, but the hard part is to carve that time back out once the crisis is over.

And yet, this is the key that will yield results.  Because if your form as top notch and you are activated to the max, but you only do that sporadically, it won’t really do you much good.

We all know the story of the turtle and the hare.  Nowhere is this more evident than in T-Tapp!  Many women, wanting to get the most out of it they can, start out of the chute all gung-ho!  They do a 14 day Total Workout Bootcamp, and then launch into their routine.   Maybe at first they get some encouraging results.  But then, maybe a month or two into it, some places seem to stall or maybe they seem to notice their belly/thighs/buns/(fill in the blank) are not moving as fast as they’d like.  So they look into another workout or “targeting” an area with a move like Diva Derriere or Awesome Legs.   Then maybe add a little of this or a little of that.  Before you know it, they are doing 30 minutes or more every day and then wonder why inch loss stalls!

I’ll be posting about the dreaded plateau next week, but for now, let me encourage you to start off slowly and surely.   Many people skimp on the Instructionals because they want to get to the workout!  I mean, who wants to stand there and “hold position” while Teresa talks and talks and talks?!

But what we don’t realize is that “holding position” while Teresa teaches us a lot about form helps to establish neurokinetic connections and that will help with future inch loss–no kidding!

The Instructionals are not just about learning the moves.  They help train your muscles to hold the isometric contractions that are so key to T-Tapp. 

So what should a newbie (or returning T-Tapper or one who maybe..ahem…was a little too gung-ho to start) do?

Go back to the Instructionals!

I honestly think the MORE Instructional is just top notch! The slower pace really helps you get form.  But Instructional 1 and 2 from BWO+ and TWO are both good, too.   If you’re currently a T-Tapper and it’s been at least 4 weeks since you’ve done a bootcamp, why not pop the Instructionals in for 4 days?  Take 2 days off, and then figure out a routine you can stick with consistently.

If you’re brand spanking new to T-Tapp, stick with Instructional 1 for at least a week if not two (you can take 1 day off per week if you like).  You want to get to the point you know exactly what Teresa is going to say next!  :)

So what is a “doable” workout routine?

There’s a whole post on the forums about full vs. short workouts.  A basic rule of thumb is anything over 30 minutes is a full workout.  There are exceptions both ways!  For example, many of the Tempos are 30 minutes or just under (Tempo Arms, Tempo Lower Body standing or floor, Tempo Torso) as well as LadyBug standing or floor.  BUT, those are all advanced level workouts either due to greater muscle activation or the tempo (or both!), so they are considered a full workout and should not be done daily.  Hit the Floor Softer (HTFS), although 40 minutes, is still considered a short workout.

Another trap we often fall into (I say “we” because I did just this!) is to add “just a few moves” to your daily workout.  For example, a year and a half ago I was doing LadyBug Standing workout every other day (EOD).  I decided to do “a few moves” on my “off days”.  Donna on the 6 Weeks to a New You Thread pointed out that I had 6 “extra moves” and BWO+ was only 8!  I was, in effect, doing a full workouts EOD and then a “short” workout on my “off days”.  Now, there are some that do this for a challenge or short period of time, but added to that I was trying a new eating program that was cutting out my snacks…and I crashed!  I wasn’t eating enough protein throughout the day, especially for this strenuous of a schedule, so my adrenals said, “Enough!”

It’s always fine to do Primary Back Stretch on off days as well as Organs in Place.  But beyond that, really evaluate how much “extra” you are doing.  Many of us like to do Hoedowns after meals to help with blood sugar or just burn glucose.   But even then we can be overdoing it if we add 3 Hoedowns plus a workout plus two or three “extra” moves….you get the idea!

Keeping this in mind, your routine needs to be something you can realistically sustain considering your time constraints and your stamina/health. 

Here are examples of workout routines I have been able to sustain with my busy life as a homeschooling mama of many:

MORE 4-6 days per week


BWO+ alternated with SATI 4-6 days per week


Variations of BWO+ (the BWO+ portion of LadyBug, Tempos as well as Basic Tempo),  4-6 days per week


Total Workout, broken up over 2-3 days, with maybe SATI or HTF thrown in once (not on the same days as TWO portions!)


When I say 4-6 times weekly, that means some weeks it’s 4 days, some 5, and some 6.   I had seasons where I could do 6 workouts a week, but they usually didn’t last long.   Five workouts a week is a reasonable goal.  You can either take weekends completely off or take Sundays off and a day in the middle of the week (maybe Wednesday) where you only do the Terrific Three:  PBS, T-Tapp Twist (or at least the stretch and pulses) and a Hoedown.

My ultimate goal is to do 1 full workout, 1 stepping workout, 1 floor workout and 1-2 short workouts a week.  Here is an sample, with choices in the parentheses:

M-TWO (Tempos, LadyBug)

T- SATI (SITTM–over 2 days, Broom–just 1 Broom workout after the Warm-Up)


Th-HTF (HTFS, Critter Crunch Floor, Critter Crunch 2, Tempo Lower Body Floor, LadyBug Floor)

F-BWO+ (variations from LadyBug or Tempos, Basic Tempo, MORE)

S-PBS, TTT, HD (or another short workout)


Variations using just the MORE workout would be:

M-MORE (the workout)

T-PBS then MORE Chair


Th-PBS then MORE Broom


S-PBS then MORE Step Away



If you’re pretty fit and no real health problems (including no adrenal issues), you may want to do full workouts EOD.  If you choose to do that, do not, I repeat:  do not start adding in workouts on off days all the time or lots of extra moves.  On a full workout day, the only extra moves you should add in are Organs in Place and maybe a Hoedown or two.   If you decide to do a challenge adding in a few moves (such as the Torso Trimmer) do it for only ten days and don’t do other “extra moves”.    It is better to apply your max to form and isometric contractions than to keep adding in more moves to hopefully target an area!

Remember, too, that a “full workout” can be a combination of shorter workouts, such as:

BWO+ and HTF


MORE plus the three short workouts Chair, Broom and Step Away

Always, always take at least one day off, unless you’re in a longer bootcamp.  That will also be a future post–short vs. long bootcamps!

The bottom line in consistency is finding what works for you.  I love to come up with workout routines, and sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t.  It helps during those times to have a “default plan” to fall back on.  This is also what I do when I stand before the video cabinet and think, “So many workouts–I don’t know which to do!”  :D

My default workout is MORE.  I can talk myself into MORE pretty easily, so that’s it for me.  For someone else it may be BWO+ or SATI.  Or just the Terrific Three (PBS, TTT and HD).  Some days I tell myself “you only have to do PBS”!  But often I find myself doing all of BWO+!  ;)   If you’re having a day when plies just tire you out thinking about them, lace up your shoes and do BWO+ without them.  Yes, you can skip moves!  Just always do them in order–don’t do Oil Wells and then come back and do Jazz Twist.   The sequence is important!   I often will cut reps on some moves that seem to be a monster looming at me–that way I slay the monster but don’t wear myself out on a less-than-optimal day! 

So remember, there are three keys to the proven formula for success in T-Tapp:

1. Proper Form (to your best ability at this time)

2. Isometric Conraction (your max)

3. Consistency

All three are important legs of the program.  But taking away that third one leaves the other two utterly worthless if your quest is to lose inches and gain health.

Here’s to more consistency!

Happy Tappin’!

If you don’t know all the T-Tapp acronyms, here is a thread listing them all.

T-Tapp Tuesday–The Power of Short Workouts

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

In my studies for my Certified Fitness Trainer exam, I’ve had to learn a lot about weight training.  Now, my experience with a gym was limited to once about 30 years ago when I was the “friend” for “Bring a Friend Night”!

If I would have had to depend on going to a gym and doing weight training to get fit and lose weight/inches, I would not be where I am right now!  I just didn’t have time for that, nor any inclination, either!

One thing doing this study has shown me, though,  is how many people are conditioned to think that they must work out for 1 1/2 hours to do any good.  I remember reading something our county Extension Homemakers office sent out that claimed you need 90 minutes of exercise to lose and 60 minutes to maintain!!!  Oh, HELP!



I think I could count on two fingers the times I worked out for 1 1/2 hours!  Well, in the beginning it took me that long to do the short 15 minute Basic Workout Plus (BWO+) because I was doing it from the book!  LOL!

But in all seriousness, I went back through my 4 years of records and 80% of my workouts were shorter ones.

Yes, you read that right!

EIGHTY percent were BWO+, Basic Tempo, MORE, SATI (Step Away The Inches), the Total Workout broken up or maybe Hit the Floor now and then.  NONE of those are over 30 minutes, with most at 15-20!

For breaking up Total Workout (TWO), you can do one of three things:

1. Simply cut the reps down to 4. 

You will be surprised how you can focus on form doing this! This is what I’m doing now to help prepare for teaching it.  Takes about 30-40 minutes, depending on how long your water breaks are! ;)

2. Split TWO over two days:

Day 1–PBS through Airplanes

Day 2–Do PBS, then Thread the Needle to the end

These each would take roughly 25 minutes.

3. Split TWO over three days:

Day 1–BWO+

Day 2–PBS, then Lunges through Airplanes (or Runner’s Stretch)

Day 3–PBS, then Thread the Needle to the end (or Arms to end)

These take 15-20 minutes each.

Obviously, you do not have to exercise 90 minutes daily to lose!  In fact, that is a good way to overtrain and actually stall inch loss!

The beauty of T-Tapp is that it is doable–three big factors draw most people in:

1. NO jumping or stress on knees and joints

2. NO equipment needed

3. Can be done in 15 minutes a day!

Add to that that your body becomes its own resistance “machine”, so you never have to do more than 8 repetitions!

What more could you want?!  All for a cost much cheaper than a gym or Curves, and you get unlimited help from the T-Tapp forums as well as the office!  (Friendly help, too, I might add! ;) )

You can take the T-Tapp form principles and apply them to sneaking moves in throughout the day and/or your favorite workouts other than T-Tapp, including walking. 

How often did I work out?  At the beginning it varied from 4-6 times per week.  I would go for some spurts of 6 weekly, then life would happen and I might get in 4.  But consistency is the main key–do something consistently!

In fact, Dan Wiley, a T-Tapp trainer, often posts that T-Tapp’s “proven formula” is based on three things:

1. Proper form (to your best ability)

2. Isometric contraction (tightening and going to your max–and that progresses,  


3. Consistency!

If you have the first two but aren’t consistent, then you may not see the results you want!

And if you are consistent, but not focused, that also might not yield the results you seek!

The next three weeks I will be addressing each of these steps to the “proven formula”.

Lest you think I’m just some anomaly, that short workouts won’t work for everyone, let me direct you to three  great posts on Charlotte Siems’ blog (you know, the mom of 12 who lost 9 sizes?  And became a T-Tapp trainer in her spare time?! :D  ):




Until next week–Keep on Tappin’! ;)