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T-Tapp Tuesday! Did I Diet?!

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

Sorry I’m a bit late in the day here!  Today was music teaching day so I’ve been busy between that and catching moments to work on 2 essays for my personal trainer certification!

So the big question–did I diet? 

Big answer–NO!

I am not for deprivation diets of any sort.  Even when I was a part of First Place, a Bible study weight loss program, I didn’t go below 1800 calories.   

I am an emotional eater, and one thing I’ve learned is that any extreme focus on food, either avoiding certain foods or even eating more healthy foods,  is counterproductive.

When I started T-Tapp, I weighed 175 lbs., which is exactly what I weighed before I had Isaiah….four months before!  I had lost very little when he was born, and then regained 10 lbs. over the next few months.  Nothing I did, even “being good” and not eating too many treats over the holidays, did anything to budge a single pound off.  I had started working out with my routine again (core exercises from Peggy Brill’s The Core Program, light weight training, and rebounding) and again…not a single pound, inch, centimeter budged–nada.

Teresa often says if you have to focus on movement or diet, choose movement.  You are at least moving lymph and expending some calories.  You can diet and get small, but you cannot diet and get healthy or diet and build muscle.  You must move to build muscle, tone up, and help move out the toxins you’ve stored in that fat!

In fact, T-Tapp advocates not focusing on food when you first start.  I started T-Tapp in January 2007 (4 years ago tomorrow!), and I didn’t worry about anything food-wise until March.  At that time, I was still nursing Isaiah completely, so I just focused on not eating as much bread and pasta (which I ate way too much of!).  Although First Place advocated exchanges instead of calories, I still got tired of counting things.  It did, however, show me how imbalanced my eating was! 

Baby steps–that’s how I did it. 

I started eating dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.  Then started eating a better chocolate (Endangered Species 72% dark, as a matter of fact!).  After awhile, regular variety chocolate started tasting like wax!  Even to this day, if I give in at the check-out and get a Milky Way (what I used to buy a LOT!), I eat a few bites, and wonder WHY did I even bother?!  YUCK!

I started only having half a piece of bread at dinner instead of two.  Still had butter on it, though!  And sometimes homemade freezer jam, too! 

Added more vegetables in my diet (still struggle with that one). 

After a few years of T-Tapp, I learned about Dr. Diana Schwarzbein and The Schwarzbein Principle.  I started eating that way as much as I could, and after a period of not losing for 2 months, started losing weight, inches and sizes!   Unfortunately, life got in the way after a few months, and although I didn’t regain, my progress was more sporadic.

I hit an adrenal crash a year and a half ago by doing two no-no’s:  I didn’t eat enough protein and I overdid it with exercise at the same time.  If you don’t eat enough protein (and carbs–you need carbohydrates to synthesize protein AND to metabolize fat!), your body will catabolize itself (think “cannibalize”!).   It must have amino acids and it will do all to keep circulation, respiration and digestion happening.

Most “weight loss diets” have you cutting way back on one of the major macronutrients–protein, carbohydrates,  or fats.  Now, anything in excess is not good!  But you shouldn’t cut way down on your complex carbohydrates.  This is backed up by science, that your body needs some carbs to metabolize fat and synthesize protein.  You need protein to build body tissues.  You need good fats to help you stay full AND it is an essential ingredient for healthy skin and hair AND helps in transporting fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K–I always thought low-fat or non-fat milk fortified with vitamin D was a bit of a joke!  You need the fat to synthesize the D!).  Dietary fat also provides you with essential fatty acids which are needed for many bodily functions, including regulating your blood pressure.

Let’s take a typical scenario:

You go on a “diet”.  You start losing weight and feel encouraged.   After a little while, though, you hit the dreaded plateau.  You then decide you need either a new diet, to lower your caloric intake, and/or exercise more.   Sometimes, that works.  Then you hit another plateau.  Now it’s not working, so you conclude that diet is not working for you.  You try another one.  And the pattern repeats itself.

A very important thing you need to know is that a plateau is NOT a bad thing!   Losing weight and inches is a good thing, but it is still a stress on your body.  When you burn fat, remember fat stores toxins and hormones.    So as you burn it off you are getting rid of that, but it may not feel so great!   The body needs to regroup and rebalance after a period of loss.

What also happens, if you are not getting enough of the right ratio of nutrients, is that your body assumes it is in a famine.  Now, in case you didn’t know,  muscles burn more calories than fat.   The body says, “We’re in a famine!  GET RID OF THE MUSCLE AND HANG ON TO THE FAT! We’re going to need it for this famine!”   Basically it resets your metabolism.  Now 1500 calories no longer will “work” for weight loss.  You need 1200.  But what happens when the body resets for 1200 calories for maintenance?  How low can you go?

My mom was anorexic.  She never admitted it, but anyone who knew her could tell you that.  I don’t know what started it, but for the past 20 years she had trained her body to quit eating enough.  And it was quite obvious as her body ate itself up—she looked like a Holocaust victim. 

You may say that’s not happening to you.  Your scale tells you you’re losing body fat and not muscle mass.  I had never figured out how standing on a scale is going to measure that.  So I looked it up and found those type of scales use “Bioelectrical Impedance”.  I’m going to quote from my trainer’s manual, “Fitness: The Complete Guide” from the International Sports Sciences Association (p. 346):

“Keep in mind that BIA devices were developed mostly for the population at large and use calculations and norms for the average person.  In addition, recent scientific reviews of thes emethods indicate that they are unreliable.”

I would not rely on those to tell me I’m really not losing muscle mass!  I don’t always fit into the “population at large’s” statistics!

The ISSA doesn’t condone any diet or eating plan that goes below 1200 calories unless for a medical reason that is closely monitored by a doctor.  I personally believe even 1200 is low. 

The big problem with low calorie diets or cutting out a nutrient (such as low carb) is that it is damaging your metabolism.

Breaking down, or catabolism, uses up your neurotransmitters, and actually releases “feel good” hormones. That is why people get “addicted” to exercise.  Dieting can do the same thing.  But there must be a building up phase, or anabolism, and typically that doesn’t feel as good.  Someone whose metabolism is damaged may not feel bad symptoms until they stop the behavior that’s damaging.  Then they feel worse, so they think, “I’m going back on my diet!”  or “I’m going back to my workout routine!  I felt much better before!”

The time of rebuilding can even mean weight gain.  That is not what we want to hear!  But you must be willing to go through this time of rebuilding if you want to be well in the long run.

Sure,  some of these diets and eating plans make you feel great–for now.   You may even have great results!   (for now)   Dr. Diana Schwarzbein is an endocrinologist who has been helping people get well, mainly through a way of eating, for 20 years.  She firmly believes that many of the “degenerative diseases of aging” are really diseases of a damaged metabolism.

If you are interested in learning more about The Schwarzbein Principle,  I have posted links at the end of this post I  would advise you read the transition page first.  Then go back and read through The Program tab to get an overview of the 5 steps.

I made a comment on my Fabulous Family Friday that if you don’t fuel your body well, you will be fooled by food!    We think we’re doing the right thing–but face it–food is to fuel our bodies.  Yes, it’s nice to have comfort and fellowship, but those are not to be food’s main purpose.  If you are an emotional eater, going on a diet or doing something to decrease your appetite is not going to solve the underlying problem, and that form of idolatry may just find its way into another area of your life.

The flip-side of that is if you only eat when you’re hungry, you may also be fooled.  If you have a damaged metabolism, you may well not be hungry when you should be.

Dr. Schwarzbein explains a lot of this in her excellent books.  “The Schwarzbein Principle” is a good book giving you the basis of her program.  “The Schwarzbein Principle II: The Transition“, is to me, the “textbook” explaining much of the whys and hows and helps you figure out where your metabolism is, all without being too technical.  “The Program” gives a Reader’s Digest Condensed version of it all and gets right into the program itself.  All three books have sample menu plans, and the first book even has  a few recipes. 

She has you eating 3 meals and 2 balanced snacks a day.   That is interesting, because do you know what my trainer’s manual advocates for building muscle density?   5-6 smaller meals a day!  With a balance of good fats, good carbs, veggies and protein! 

The thing I love about SP is that it is doable.  I am not doing it 100% right  now, but just getting the basics of the balance of protein, good carbs, good fats and non-starchy veggies is a big help.  When I was doing this last spring (during my Daniel Fast, I was careful to get plenty of protein from legumes and nuts, and to balance the meals according to SP) I started losing again and felt really good–mental clarity, less foggy brain, less hormonal issues, and even my eyesight cleared up!

Dr. Schwarzbein’s motto is:

“You have to eat well to build well and feel well, and you don’t lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy to lose weight!”

I say a hearty AMEN to that!

Your body has to perceive overall health and that it will be fueled well to release the fat.  You may need to give it time to “believe you” that you’re not going to turn around and starve it–again!  But once your metabolism heals, you will lose the excess fat in a way that is sane and healthy.

To date, after 4 years of T-Tapping, I have only lost at the most 38 pounds.  I have regained about 9 since Mom died last May.  But I kept losing inches even on fewer workouts over the summer! 

The amazing thing is–I have lost 174 inches!  And 8 sizes!  (Well, probably regained one of those!)  All I can say is muscle density is GREAT! :)

That is why I often say, “Weight doesn’t matter!”  If you are gauging your success on how much “weight” you’ve lost, may I suggest a better way?

There is a place for losing weight, but the scales absolutely cannot be the measure of success of a way of eating or an exercise program.

You want overall good health–not just a thinner body.

You want more lean muscle mass–muscle density, not just less fat.

You want to do all you can to live a full life as long as God allows–not just exist as you get older.

To do that, you have to move (T-Tapp!) and you have to fuel your body well (for me, that’s Schwarzbein!)

Following are some links that you may find helpful!

May we strike the word “diet” from our vocabulary and just focus on healthy, balanced eating!

I want to end this rather lengthy post (!) with a quote by Dr. Diana Schwarzbein, from the page on the transition on her website:

In the healing phase your body will repair itself from the damage caused previously by years of poor nutrition and lifestyle habits. You always have higher insulin than adrenaline/cortisol levels during this phase because this is a rebuilding time.

It may seem as if you are in suspended animation during this phase because though you are healing, it doesn’t feel or seem that way. As you improve your habits, you are rebuilding your biochemicals at a much higher rate than you are using them up, and this causes you to feel tired and to gain fat weight.

During the healing phase you expose your current metabolism because your hormones will react to your new and improved nutrition and lifestyle habits and reflect their true state.

Unfortunately, your body will not start working efficiently the moment you improve your habits. As previously stated, you did not damage your metabolism overnight, and you will not heal it overnight. During the healing phase, you are still hormonally out of balance.

The more damaged your current metabolism is, the longer you will need to stay in the healing phase and the more fat your body produces. In fact, as your ratio of insulin to adrenaline/cortisol increases, your symptoms will worsen.

As awful as this may sound, this is your body’s only way to heal. So do not be put off by the healing phase–it is simply a reflection of the damage that came before it. Since insulin is a rebuilding hormone and adrenaline and cortisol are using up hormones, you can only heal from years of using up your biochemicals by rebuilding them– this means higher insulin to adrenaline/cortisol levels. Unfortunately, even though you begin to improve your habits, the damage has already been done by your previous poor habits. Therefore, you will not instantly reap the rewards of your better habits.

The Schwarzbein Principle homepage:


The page you MUST read about the transition (especially “The Healing Phase” about half-way down, where the above quote came from):


(In case anyone wonders, no, I have not done her GI testing. I can see it could be beneficial, but it is not necessary to “do” the Schwarzbein Program.)

A picture of 5 lbs. of fat and 5 lbs. of muscle so you can see how the same “weight” can take up less space!


A thread on T-Tapp that I compiled a few years ago of many other threads which will convince you that “weight doesn’t matter”!


Another thread I started about a plateau not being a bad thing:


Fabulous Family Friday! Taking Care of Mama!

Friday, January 21st, 2011

You’ve heard the saying:  If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

There’s a BIG element of truth in there! ;)  

We truly are the “heart of the home”, and if we’re having a bad day….somehow it seems the rest of the family is, too!

We mamas are usually giving from dawn to dusk (and sometime from dusk to dawn!), serving our families in one aspect or another.  Often the tyrrany of the urgent drives us, and the important priorities don’t always happen.

One big one is, taking care of ourselves. 

Let me say right off I’m not advocating some aspect of “me time” at the expense of your family.  There’s enough written about that out in the world! 

But neither is it some form of Godliness to let yourself get so run down to the point you can no longer function well in your roles as child of God, wife, mama and homemaker.  Sometimes illness or a crisis (or several!) just makes it hard…sometimes it is our choices that lead to this point.

In my studies for becoming a personal trainer with T-Tapp, it has been interesting to see it reiterated over and over how our lifestyle choices are most often what cause the degenerative diseases of aging.   The seemingly “out of nowhere” fatigue, fibromyalgia, aches and pains, arthritis, thyroid issues, burned out adrenals….they didn’t come from bad genes or a virus, but little choices along the away that add up to BIG consequences!

(Sounds a bit like something I’ve read in the Bible somewhere….. ;) )

Now, there is the caution that we don’t become obsessed with being thin, looking youthful, or even eating well and being healthy.   We know as Christians that we live in a fallen world, and you can do a lot of things right and still suffer.

But neither do I think we should ignore the physical and suffer for our own foolish choices!  If we’re going to suffer, let it be for God’s glory and not for our foolishness!

I know as a young mama, taking care of all these areas at one time during some seasons of your life may not happen.  But your heart should be to do what you can in each season of life.  Because I’m here to tell you now, there will be a price to pay.   You can either do what you can to pay it now, and reap the dividends later, or you can say “I just don’t have enough energy to think about that right now” and you will also reap the dividends of that later–but it won’t be as pleasant!

1.  Time with the Lord

Yes, I know it’s tough with little ones.  I love how Nancy Campbell often admonishes mamas of many littles to keep their Bible by the kitchen sink.  Grab a verse here and there.  Or if “all” you get to read is half a Psalm, turn that into a prayer back to your Lord!  That’s what the Psalms were, anyway–hymns of praise to the Lord!  (Complaint sometimes, too, but always ending back on praise!)

Work on memorizing a verse–say it while diapering and doing dishes.  Your little ones can learn along with you.  Come up with hand motions (ASL browser has come in handy for me!  I used to borrow books from the library to come up with signs!)   So what if you only memorize one verse a week?  Or even a month?  That’s better than none!

One other thing you can do to feed your soul is sing hymns and praise songs!   Keep a hymnbook of choice handy with your Bible.   Or copy off a hymn you’re learning and tape it in a prominent place you spend a lot of time.   We try to sing a “hymn of the week” so my children will be more familiar with some of the great hymns.  At one time we even had a “hymn of the month”–that’s even better!  They will know that hymn forwards and backwards!  And so will you!

2. Emotional Health

This is pretty easy to write about, and pretty hard to do!

Probably the biggest 3 things you can do for your emotional health are:

1. Trust God

2. Let go of things


You have to begin with #1 or you can’t do #2 and #3!    Too many times our issues really stem from not trusting God for Who He says He is.   We don’t realize that and we’d certainly never say, “Oh I don’t really believe God is able to do that!  I don’t believe He is Who He says He is!”  but our actions say it quite loudly!

I read something very interesting in a book by John Ortberg, Faith and Doubt   (highly recommend it, by the way!).


Ben Patterson tells of a common experience of westerners, particularly missionaries, traveling through jungle sections of the Amazon.   They will ask members of a village to give them directions to where they want to go.  “I have a compass, a map, and some coordinates.” The villager knows precisely the directions to get them there, but he offers to take them himself.

“No, that’s okay.  I don’t want a guide.  I just want directions.”

“That’s no good.  I must take you there.”

“But I have a map right here.  And I have a compass.  And the coordinates.”

“It does not work that way.  I can get you there, but I must take you myself.  You must follow me.”

We prefer directions, principles,  steps, keys.  We prefer these things because they leave us in control. If I’m holding the map, I’m still in charge of the trip.  I can go where I want to go.  If I  have a guide, I must trust.  I must follow.  I must relinquish control.

God is not much on maps and compasses and coordinates.  Life just doesn’t work that way.  We don’t need directions.  We need a Guide.


~Faith and Doubt, p. 172 by John Ortberg (emphases mine)


You will probably see that quote again on my blog.  It profoundly puts the proverbial finger right on our pulse, in many areas!!!

When we can’t “trust God”, we’re really saying, “I want to stay in control”.    So the first step MUST be to trust Him.  Then you can place things in His hands and leave them there.

And then you can forgive.  Forgiveness helps you more than the offender.  When you really boil it down, if you can’t forgive the person before they even ask for forgiveness (or if they ever do), you really won’t be able to forgive from the heart when they do ask.

Isn’t that what God did for us?

#3. Physical Health and Well-Being

Again, let me say I am not promoting a physical focus to the detriment of all else.  No obsessing!

This is why I love T-Tapp! (You knew I had to include that, right?! :D )

In just 15 -20 minutes a day, you can get some movement in, for way less than the cost of a gym membership (besides, who has time to run to the gym for 1 1/2 hours daily?!)   You can even do it every other day, and while you may not see major inch loss, you will still feel better for getting that lymph pumping and some movement in.

In fact, many people address diet first.  Well, way of eating.  Ah, neither one sounds good!  (Diet has DIE in it and way of eating is often shortened to WOE!  LOL!)

Actually, your first thought should be to get movement in.  Walking is good.  I will say, though, that walking is generally not as all-over body conditioning.  I know, because I walked for several years before finding T-Tapp.  It was definitely helpful, but the lump in my armpit didn’t get smaller with walking.  It did with T-Tapp! 

So you’re moving now, but what about eating?  Is it any wonder eating has become a billion dollar business—the food industry, the diet industry, the supplement industry—it’s enough to make your head spin!

And there is so much out there!  Low carb, high carb, low protein, high protein,  no fat, good fat, no sugar, fasting, low calorie, and a plethora of diet plans that have variations on the theme.

The problem is, though, that if we don’t understand how our bodies are fueled by food, we can be fooled by food!   

It is not a matter of calories in=calories out.  You don’t figure how many calories for maintenance and go below that to lose “weight”.  (You’ll lose, indeed.  Usually more muscle mass and water than fat!)  Nor do you figure how much to exercise to get your caloric intake just right.

It is far more complicated than that.

I’ll be sharing more next Tuesday on my T-Tapp Tuesday about food and dieting, but I wanted to share today, for you busy mamas, that getting moving and making sure you are eating as well as you can are more important than restricting calories to get thin, or thinking cutting food groups out will make you healthier.

Balance is the key.  If you eat a balance of good protein, good carbs, good fats and non-starchy vegetables, that will do so much good for your body’s metabolism.   In fact, if you just add more veggies into your eating, that alone will take care of some “poor choices”!  I’m not going to say, “give up sugar”, but make sure you’re getting plenty of other good food, too!

And one last thing for today–drink water!  You need half your body weight in ounces a day–more on hot days and when you exercise (meaning you don’t count the two glasses you drink while exercising as part of your normal total!).  Nursing mamas would obviously need a little more, too!

If that has you confused, I’ll demonstrate:

I weigh 146 lbs.  right now.  So I would need half of that, 73 but in ounces.  So I need to drink nine 8 oz. glasses of water during the day. 

It’s best to drink it throughout the day, and try not to gulp down water with meals.  Sipping water at a meal is fine, but that should not be where you get most of your water intake!  When your children (or you!) come to the dinner table and gulp down water first thing, that is a sure sign they didn’t drink enough throughout the day!

Our bodies need water for many functions, and it strengthens the immune system. 

AND–by the time you’re actually “thirsty”, you are already dehydrated!

So, busy mama–fill yourself a pitcher with the right amount of water in it, and make sure it’s empty by the end of the day.   That will help you make sure to get your water quota in!  If you find it hard to drink water, adding slices of lemon or lime or even cucumbers can help it taste refreshing and make you actually want to drink more! 

Please take time to take care of yourself, young mama!   (And older ones, too!)   Really, none of these steps requires much in the way of money, and really, not even that much time.  They do, however, require some effort to make them work.  But as in much of life, a little effort will bring rich rewards in refreshing you and helping you to be the best daughter of our Father, wife, mama and homemaker that you can be.

HUGS to you as you seek the Lord on how to take care of yourself, for His glory!

Then everyone will be happy…because mama is!  ;)