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Posts Tagged ‘adrenals’

Thankful Thursday–Thankful for T-Tapp! (And Ribs Up!)

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Today is my five year anniversary with T-Tapp!  Wow!  Who could have known then that in 5 years I would be a certified T-Tapp Trainer?!   Even more, I’m thankful for my health as well as finally finding a workout that works–without having to neglect my family to do so!  It’s my prayer that I can help others on their journey to a better body and better health!


Just think–where could you be in  5 years with T-Tapp?  It all adds up… one workout at a time!





I’m sure if you’ve heard much about T-Tapp, you’ve heard “Ribs Up!” more than a few times! ;)


That is actually a part of the T-Tapp stance set up.  Teresa says “shoulders back” in earlier videos.  Most of us tend to be trap dominant (we store stress there–ever notice how much more “hunched” you get the more stress you’re under?!), so we start pushing the shoulders back with the trapezius muscles (traps) instead of gently pulling them back with the lats.  (Latissimus dorsi)



I’ve referenced trainer Kayla Howard’s wonderful video on slouching, and it’s a great place to get the feel of it away from workouts.   The more you do this away from your workouts as well as during, the easier and more “natural” it will be.  Your lats will get stronger and you will actually be able to activate them at will!



Teresa shared an interesting tidbit at the Safety Harbor Retreat a few weeks ago.  I didn’t get to go to the actual Retreat, but several ladies stayed over for Trainer Certifications and shared the wealth of information they received.   Ribs up also helps the adrenals.   How?



Well, if you think about it, when you’re all slouchy, you are pushing the organs down and out in your belly —more out if you’re a short torso!   That puts pressure on these glands sitting on top of the kidneys, and like most of our organs, they don’t work as optimally when squished!  (Think of being squished in a tiny cubicle to do your work when you need a bigger office with better light!)



I love how T-Tapp is more than just a workout to lose inches and sizes!   One of the things that kept me “T-Tapping” even when I wasn’t seeing much outwardly was the tremendous benefits I was experiencing in my health.  I posted about the things you just can’t measure here at the forums. It’s always good to keep a notebook or list of the “little things” that add up and sometimes become more important than inch loss!


Ribs up helps so many things!  Inch loss in the arms, tummy, thighs; helping with posture and getting the back in alignment; helping the muscles in the shoulder balance so there’s less pressure pulling unequally and therefore avoiding shoulder issues (or lessening them and helping to rehab them); and now we find out good posture doesn’t just look nice and feel nice–  it helps with adrenal health, too!



And another good benefit–Nanci shared on the forums how she found out that you can’t think negative thoughts very easily when you are focusing on ribs up!  Here’s her post —good food for our “thoughts”!    Thanks for sharing, Nanci!



Stay tuned–I am hoping to announce my surprise next week and there will be giveaways as a part of it! :)



Happy Tappin’!