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Posts Tagged ‘quilting’

Fabulous Family Friday–Being Creative to Feed the Soul

Saturday, March 26th, 2011

This is still Friday, isn’t it?!  :)

Yesterday was a full day, and part of a full weekend.   It would have been easy to say no to something I’ve done nearly every year for 11 years.  

What is it?

Quilt in a Day class!

Now, we really don’t make a whole quilt and get it all done in one day.   We cut and piece the top part and usually it is more a table runner or wall hanging size.  Sometimes we’ve quilted as we went–like a few years ago, but normally I don’t get finished.

And then they sit in my UFO Rubbermaid tub.

What is a UFO tub, you ask?!

UnFinished Object!  :D

I don’t know why it’s easier to take the time and drag your cutting mat, sewing machine, fabric, scissors, etc. to the library and get something done than to just get the machine out at home and do it!   But it seems to be a law of mommy nature that we let the “tyranny of the urgent” drive out the “urge to be creative”!   But we were created in the image of our Creator, and He has put within us this desire to create as well. 

I had posted back when I first started my blog about how we have taken the creative part out of our work–going to buy a comforter at Wal-Mart for $29.95, that may be pretty, but usually is not as well made as homemade and….well….doesn’t really reflect you.



So I took time out of my too busy day to go to the Quilt in a Day class–and I’m so glad I did!

No, I did not get it done (again!), but this time, I am making plans and I’m going to make my daughters hold me to it!   I have ten of the fifteen blocks sewn–another hour or so and the last 5 blocks will be done.  Then of course I’ll need to sew it all together and get it ready to quilt.  I may not finish it in even one more day, but really, how long will this take?!

As I said in the post I reference above, we have taken the part of our work that stays done and what are we left with?   The part that needs redone every day.    And that is a beautiful part of our work as wives, mommies and homemakers, but if we don’t take some time to create something that stays done for more than 5 minutes, we can get discouraged and disheartened in the other part of our work.

I know you young mamas are super busy!   Guess what?  So am I!   Some of it is self-inflicted ;)  but it seems more opportunites arrive as free time increases!   Of course I pray about what to get involved in, but sometimes you may need to make a choice to make your life crazy for awhile to do what God calls you to. 

Or it may come whether you asked for it or not!

During Dallas’ hospital stay after his serious accident I was able to keep my hands busy making a shawl like this one  I gave away a few years ago.   It really helped to pass the time and I really believe it helped calm me, too.   I went on to make four more as gifts for my four oldest daughters over the next year!   (And now am starting on some for the younger girls!  If I can find the pattern online, I’ll post it for you!)

I would really like to challenge you, yes, even you busy younger mamas, to find something to do with your hands.  Quilting, sewing, tatting, knitting, crocheting, counted cross stitch, other needlework…..give yourself permission to spend some time with your hands.

I was a “brain” in school, and unfortunately did not want to learn all that as I was growing up.  I’m sad about that now because my mom had a lot of wonderful skills I could have learned from her vs. learning on my own later.

I know many ladies share how a grandmother or mother taught them different things….can you see the relationship that would be forged through this?   (And you know I’m all about relationships!  ;) )

“But I’m not a crafty type”, you say?    You can become one!   Find something you think you may enjoy….press through…as a “brain” I spent a lot of time studying, learning, etc……all important, but I really feel young ladies need to have some “grounding” through handwork (young men, too–nothing wrong with them learning woodworking and other skills–yes, even knitting if they want to!).

Cardmaking, scrapbooking, even “just” a visual journal…..

I’d like you all to share something you do, or something you’d like to learn or do, and if you have blogged about it or plan to, please leave a link!   And pictures are always nice!

You all can be my accountability–below is a picture of the layout of the table runner. The bottom row of blocks are not assembled yet, so they look bigger, but you get the idea!  

Then in 3 weeks I’ll post progress (that would be April 15)–and you can hold me to it!  :)

Go get creative—it will feed your soul as well as give you some beauty for your home or a gift!


(for directions to make this pattern, click here)