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Posts Tagged ‘counting blessings’

Counting My Blessings

Monday, July 25th, 2011


1. A cool overcast day to pick blueberries

2. 60 lbs. of blueberries picked–about halfway! :)

3. A beautiful tiger swallowtail butterfly on pink wildflowers

4. Fragrant, pink wild roses growing along the ditch

5. Sweet blueberries to taste as we pick

6. Children enjoying the “tunnels” the blueberry bushes make

7. Memories of picking here for 10+ years

8. Feet getting drenched with the dew

9. Finding the jewel weed

10. My 12 year old daughter saying she’s glad she was born into this family, and…

11. …that she always wants to live close to me (are there any rewards greater than this?!)

12. God’s sign of Promise










May you find His symbol of promise in the smallest details of your life today


count your many blessings!