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His Name Shall Be Called….

November 24th, 2011




Is it really just around the corner?



And does anyone else besides me seem to get behind on their Advent readings?!  We aren’t even as busy as many families are during the Christmas season, but we still have times when some of us aren’t home or even all of us gone.  Then you’re “behind”.  Nothing says “let’s focus on the Christ of Christmas” like feeling behind, right?!




Okay, all kidding aside, I thought it would be nice, someday, to write an Advent Devotional.   One based on the names of Christ.  Short, but inspiring.   Built-in “make-up” days.  Permission to skip or adapt to suit your family.  Focusing on what stands out to your family.  Not that other Advent programs or devotionals don’t do that–I have been blessed by many of them!




But I wanted one that focuses on the names of Christ as well as one that is doable for a busy mama of littles or a mama of many ages.




So I am trying to keep my focus as I write an Advent Devotional e-book.    My goal is to have week 1 ready for purchase on Friday…..this is all new territory for me and my super-techie dear friend is very busy, but hopefully my becoming-a-techie daughter will be able to help me get this going! ;)




Stay tuned for upates!   (If you follow my girls on Facebook, you might see an announcement there as well!)    This will be available through their Etsy shop, Farmgirl Treasures.




And please pray for me!   I want to keep my heart still before Him and let His quieting love flow through my writing.




If I can figure out how (or if Jessica can figure out how!), I may have the introduction available tomorrow as a free sneak preview!




Until then, have a Blessed and Wonderful Thanksgiving!




Workout Wednesday–Women’s Health

November 23rd, 2011

At the end of October my four oldest girls and I went up to Chicago to hear Teresa Tapp talk on women’s health.

You can read about our fun trip and see some pics on my girls’ blog:  Trick-or-Treating T-Tapp Style!


Since I am going to be sharing several moves she showed us, I need to keep the post at the T-Tapp forums, but you can click here to read the post.   She shared a lot of good things–many of which you can do throughout the day to get those pecs opened up and have better health in the chest and throughout the body.


I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read this as women’s bre*st health is an important topic, and considering most of us are slouched forward throughout our day taking care of our families and homes, the exercises and tips Teresa shared will open up the pec area and help optimize lymphatic drainage–which leads to better health all around!





Friday I am hoping to have a video post on making homemade deodorant!   :)



And since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I wish you all a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Take time to express your thankfulness to God and to your family and friends.   We are incredibly blessed here in America!




Workout Wednesday–Bodily Exercise Profits a Little

November 9th, 2011

I had other plans for today’s post, but this morning during my quiet time, 1 Timothy 4:8 stood out:


For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.



The actual meaning of “profiteth little” means “somewhat” or “a little”.



It is so easy in our culture in this day, to get obsessed with looking good or thin or even being/getting/staying healthy to the detriment of our inner person.



If our motivation is fear, then we will feel driven.   And that is no fun!  (Besides, our Gentle Shepherd leads His sheep–He doesn’t drive them!  John 10:3-4)



Of course it is good stewardship of the marvelous creation called our body to eat real foods, take supplements to help us have the health to do what we’re called to do, and to exercise to help keep ourselves healthy and energetic as well.



But we can focus too much either way–out of fear or vanity spend way too much time, money and effort on the outer body, or, deciding that taking much time at all with the outward is total vanity and “we’re under grace” so we really don’t focus at all on good health, good food or exercise.


Both are “ditches”, as my pastor likes to call them!  And falling into either ditch is not making progress going down the road!



I remember very well how frustrated I was to be working out close to an hour every day, 4-6 days a week and losing nothing!  And I was exhausted an hour and a half later and needed a nap.  So much for exercising to get healthy and to get more energy!  :p



When I found T-Tapp and started getting results just doing the 15 minute Basic Workout Plus, it was like a big ray of sunshine on a gloomy day!



The second part of 1 Timothy 4:8 talks about how godliness profits in all things, giving us hope in this present life as well as in the life to come.



Well, if you are spending 1-2 hours exercising, then trying to fix healthy meals, researching supplements, etc., you might not have as much time to even think about that hope, let alone rest in it!



Don’t get me wrong–there is a time to research, and food allergies/sensitivities may necessitate extra cooking and time in food preparation.  I sure know about that!  :)  But when it becomes an obsession and we don’t have time for relationships–with the Lord, our husbands, our children, our friends or anyone else–all in the name of “getting healthy”, then something needs to be reevaluated.



This is one of many reasons I love T-Tapp!  I get much more out of 15 minutes of T-Tapp than I ever did out of an hour of light weights, core exercises and rebounding/jump roping!  AND I’m not exhausted 1 1/2 hours later, either! ;)



Remember–80% of my workouts have been shorter ones, either BWO+ or a variation, SATI, or TWO split over 3 days.


Since February, I have gotten an average of 1-2 classes in per week, and sometimes practicing moves on off days, but certainly not every day.  Oh, and in those classes we only do 4 reps!


In the past 8 months I have lost another 25 3/4 inches–this after 4 years of T-Tapp!  I lost 2 more sizes, and although yes, I did change my way of eating (we switched to the GAPS diet due to two of our daughters’ leaky gut issues), that did not build muscle or reshape me!  That came through T-Tapp–maximum activation and focus on form, but fewer workouts.


You don’t need to kill yourself with more more more–cut reps, split things up, kick out more—and focus on form–and you will get results as your body reconnects the brain to the muscles!


With the consistency of focus on proper form and going to your max, coupled with a balanced eating of good protein, good carbs and good fats, your body will release the fat and reshape, and best of all–get healthy!


I can’t imagine that I would have sustained working out an hour  a day for nearly 5 years.    I’m sure I probably would have majorly crashed my adrenals if I had tried to keep up with that!


T-Tapp is the perfect workout for busy mamas, delivering the most for your effort (but you must put forth the effort–no mindless movement here!).    Couple that with a balanced way of eating like Nourishing Traditions along with Schwarzbein’s principles, and you have a winning combination for good health and “a little profit” for the body!



And that leaves more time for what matters the most—













Fabulous Family Friday–Family Purpose

October 28th, 2011

I didn’t get a chance to do a video for this week’s post–hopefully I can for next week.  My “videographer” was busy! :)



Today I was listening to two of my daughters play a piano and violin duet in the living room.  I looked up at the pictures of the children on the wall…..looked out the window that has the same curtains we put up 20 something years ago.   Sitting in the rocker we’ve had for 21 years.   The one I’ve rocked our children in.



I got kind of nostalgic…thinking back to the many times I helped my girls practice their violins and cellos in this very room.   The tears.   The wishing we could tear our hair out….    




And the fun! :)




I remembered years ago, when our children were really little, how Dallas and I discussed music for them.  He said music was something they could take with them into all of life.   I played flute in high school, took a little piano, had one semester in college where I took music theory, and I sang.




We started lessons, and after a few years he suggested we sing for the local senior citizens’ “Meals on Wheels” gathering.  They enjoyed it, we had a fairly good time, and it gave us a reason to practice.  Of course, I had to come up with things we could do together–it used to be pretty tough to come up with 20 minutes’ worth of things to sing/play!  (Now it’s hard to limit it to 20 minutes!  LOL!)






We added color coded handbells….character songs….eventually some of them could read music, but I still had to “arrange” some things more simply so we could all play together–those college music theory classes sure came in handy!





All this was going through my mind (at lightning speed, of course!), and I thought how it has been worth it.





Every dime spent on instruments and lessons.





Every “talk” we had to have about practicing.






Every “want to pull my hair out trying to make this work” arranging.






Every giggling, slap-happy, “it’s getting too late to practice but we have to” session!





Every reward system we came up with.





I wish I could describe the incredible feeling of peace and joy that came over me as I sat there, listening to the beautiful duet my daughters were playing!





I just want to encourage you—don’t wait until they’re older and can practice on their own.





Whether it’s music lessons, learning to cook, sewing, serving……find something you can do together.




Even if you’re “not musical”, you can still support and do what you can to help foster your children working together in their talents.




Maybe your strength is serving together.   Or making something together.   Or making food for families in need.  Or making cards and visiting shut-ins.




You get the idea.  Music is wonderful and worth every bit of effort and financial investment.   But if you’re not “musical”, don’t let that stop you!




I pray you may someday look around and see the fruit of your efforts….fruit that you might have thought was soooo far away in coming.





Mama, time goes faster than you realize!





One of the best things you can do is find something you can do together. Think of your strengths, or something you want to do or learn to do.    Ask our loving Abba Father for ideas.   He will give them to you!




And then go do it!




Yes, even if you sometimes want to pull your hair out!




Even if you wonder if it will ever go smoothly!





Even if you are stretched to your limit in creativity to make it work!





It will be worth it all, Mama!   And someday you will have such wonderful joy and peace in your soul as you watch your children blossom beautifully and have fun–






Workout Wednesday–What About You?

October 26th, 2011

I’ve posted before how my inch loss/size loss was slower than I first had hoped it would be.   But consistency does add up, if you stick with it!



The problem comes when we give up too soon….



I have these three ladies who are my faithful few–they come to every class unless sick or something comes up, but they’ve been pretty faithful since March.
One of them told me last week, “I’m not going to call you Trisch anymore! I’m going to call you ‘Skinny Minnie’!”   LOL!



Monday night  she was asking how big my thighs used to be. I didn’t have the exact stats with me, but I remember thinking at one point, “My thighs are as big as my waist used to be!”



So I looked it up.



I have lost SEVEN inches off of EACH upper thigh!!!!



And to be honest–over 2 inches of each thigh’s loss has just been since February–after four years of T-Tapp!


What if I had given up after 1 year?



Or two?



Or three?



Or four?!



Remember Dantheman’s Proven Formula for Success with T-Tapp:

1. Proper Form (that is progressive–you do your best)
2. Isometric Contraction (really activate those muscles)
3. C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y!!!



I have not killed myself with longer workouts. I can only do TWO split up and right now I can’t do a workout every day (adrenal issues, I’m healing, but still being wise with it!).


Even if “all” you can do is a few moves, 4 reps each, but with your best form and tightening everything you’ve got, consistently:



It might not come for 4 3/4 years–



Are you willing to stick with it?



As Charlotte reminds us, where will you be in 4 3/4 years if you quit now?




Is it worth it to “keep on keeping on” when you don’t see the results you were hoping, as soon as you hoped to?




Is it worth it to keep going when “all” you see are health benefits?  Yeah, that’s nice, but are you pining for more loss on the tape measure/sizes/scales?  (Haven’t I convinced you to forget those things yet?! :P )





Is there any other exercise program out there that can rehab as you do it–even if it’s just a few moves a day?



Is there any other exercise program out there an adrenal fatigued mama of many could do–that would actually help her heal instead of tear her down?


I ask again–



Is it worth it?


What about you?



Are you willing to stick with it?



Because payday IS coming if you do!  :)




(And lest you think losing little bits at a time just isn’t worth it, you might want to read these posts from the T-Tapp forums:




Little Losses *DO* Add Up! )


Fabulous Family Friday–The Enemies of Relationships

October 21st, 2011

I had intended these to be a bit closer together than 2+ months!   I had written about the first enemy of relationships in August, here.




The second enemy of relationships also begins with an “E”, and I think it’s probably even worse than the first one.




I’m speaking of Expectations.




That could be a book all by itself!




Truly Expectations can kill a relationship–with God, our husbands, our children, friends, church family…..




In my own life I have found that lack of gratitude is usually linked strongly to this monster.   Once I start feeling I am owed something, I don’t see the many efforts others go to to bless me, and then I expect it, then they feel they can’t ever do enough for me…..ay yi yi!  What a horrible downward spiral it becomes!




Then I become bitter, lack gratitude and express it even less, and here we go again! :p




STOP!  I want to get OFF!




I can remember a specific time in my prayers for my husband, where I was praying Godly, Scriptural things….but my spirit was becoming more and more bitter.  I was comparing him to my idea of a spiritual leader, and in doing so, was missing his unique gifts and abilities God had placed within him while focusing on what I perceived were his weaknesses.  Of course I wouldn’t want him doing that to me!  But as often happens when we let this monster grow, we don’t think about that part.  It actually all stems from pride.




Thinking that we are not doing the things others are “guilty” of.    Of course I’m not judging…I’m not ungrateful….I’m doing what I’m supposed to do….  (ack!)




And this pride doesn’t always stem from just an “I’m better than everybody else” attitude….usually it is rooted in having been on the other end of the “expectations” ideal—someone had unrealistic expectations of us (or we of ourselves) and that insecurity fuels perpetuating the same monster through the generations.








It’s time to slay this monster!




I honestly don’t know what made me finally get sick and tired of my way of  “praying” (or was that complaining to God?!), but I do remember one day finally writing “PSALM 62:5″ in HUGE letters across my “prayer page” for my dh!




“My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him.”



I honestly quit praying all those things.  Even Scriptures.  I just prayed, “Lord, make him the spiritual leader YOU want Him to be.”




That was all I prayed for a long time!




As I’ve realized more and more Abba Father’s love for me, and His acceptance of me based on who I am in Him vs. what I do, I’ve been able to not only let go of unrealistic expectations of myself—but of others as well.




Some time ago–again, I’m not sure exactly when, I started praying Scriptures for my husband again.  But this time, my focus was different.  I wasn’t praying for him so he’d be the kind of spiritual leader *I* thought I needed so I could be comfortable and happy.  I was praying for him to be what God wanted him to be so he could fulfill God’ s call on his life…..and be fulfilled by doing so.   Of course that could only benefit our family.  Much better than forcing my dear husband into a mold he didn’t fit into!  (And that didn’t benefit anybody!)




This has spilled into other areas of relationships as well.  I quit expecting my children to act or be a certain way so I could look good, or because I thought that’s what a good Christian family should be.  I started saying “thank you” a whole lot more and praising God for the wonderful gifts they were to me.




I would say that the biggest antidote to expectations is gratitude.  I have suggested this before, but I’ll do so again–start a gratefulness journal.   Write down at least one thing you are grateful for each day.  You could even write three things–one thing you are grateful to God for, one thing you are grateful for in your husband, and one for your children (or even one for each of them!).  It is amazing how focusing your eyes in a different direction affects your heart and attitude–and then of course your words and actions!




I remember as God was teaching me to lay down my expectations, we were trying to sell a pop-up camper.  We had already dropped the price and didn’t want to go much lower.




We had lots of lookers but no takers.  Then one day, I came home from some errand, and Dallas told me he had sold the camper!




Of course I wondered how much.  He had come down even further on the price, but I felt peace about it.   He later told me he felt total freedom, that I wasn’t going to make him feel badly about dropping the price.  He specifically said he could tell I didn’t have expectations of him to do things a certain way.  Wow!




Yes, I was disappointed we had to lower the price, but I had total confidence in his judgment in this.




It was equally freeing to me!




Many times we try to hang onto control, either fueled by the fears and expectations or resulting in them.  Either way, once we learn where our true trust must lie (in Him), and quit putting it on those around us, we free ourselves and them to be who God created them to be!




I have found that our Lord’s ideas are far better, wiser and infinitely higher than mine!




I’ll write more about this, more specifically how this enemy can affect our relationships with our children.




If you have also been working on slaying this monster, please share what has been helpful to you!


Workout Wednesday–Accountability

October 19th, 2011

I know I thought I’d have a “surprise” for you, and I hope to really soon–but as usual, things take longer than you think!  LOL!   I’ll give you a heads-up when I know it’s coming for sure!


One of the biggest keys to my success in T-Tapp has been accountability.


When I started T-Tapping, there were several ladies in my church who also T-Tapped, but I live over an hour away from most of them!


A few months after starting T-Tapp, I found the T-Tapp forums, and a little while after that, found Habit Formers on the forums, where you get a discount through the trainer who runs it to purchase T-Tapp products.  Good incentive!


Having a spot online where I could list my workouts was really nice–no losing your papers or forgetting to check them off!


I also had joined the 6 Weeks to a New You thread on the General Discussion forum.  It’s more chatty, but you can just state your goals and then check in.  If you don’t check in for a long period of time, someone will try to find you!  Donna, who heads up the thread, graciously sends anyone who asks a 6 week calender where you can keep track of your measurements and write in your workouts.  I write mine in pencil, then check off when I actually do them.


That really helps you see when the inches are slowing if maybe it’s just a time of healing and rebuilding, or if you’ve been doing way less in the workout department than you thought you were!


I really believe the forums have helped to stay consistent.   I highly suggest you join Habit Formers or at least one of the weekly accountability threads.   Even if you can’t check in every day or be chatty with everyone, just knowing others will be asking how you’re doing really helps!


Now you may have a dear friend or sister who is willing to be your accountability partner. Even if she doesn’t T-Tapp, you could ask her to check up on you.    She could even just ask if you are keeping up with your goals.


Let me say that it does help to have someone who understands the ideas behind T-Tapp–sometimes ladies have shared how their husband or a friend who is more “gym-minded” may not think they are doing enough.  I want to say again that I lost 9 sizes doing mostly shorter workouts, and although I did have some weeks of 6 workouts per week, that was not all the time.   I haven’t figured it up exactly, but my average is probably more 4-5 workouts per week.  And those were shorter ones–20 minutes or less!



Some of you are probably like two of my daughters, who love checking things off, so a nice check-off chart might be all you need to stay accountable! ;)


Others, like me, like to do that, too, but sometimes it’s not quite enough to make me go lace up my Skechers and push play!


With all the electronic gadgetry available, there are apps now you can download and use either on your phone or computer.  There’s the good old-fashioned small notebook you can keep in your purse or a prominent place.  Or you can keep your accountability sheets in a binder, like this:









I have different tabs for form tips, online classes I took, nutritional advice, and a whole section is all my former 6 Week calendars.  I know some people also print out success stories that inspire them and have a section for those as well.








I have another notebook I use now because I have my trainer info in there.  In the front pocket I have my before and after pictures beside each other.  I also have index cards in the back pocket for when I give an “Intro to T-Tapp” type talk.



It is also nice to reward yourself for your consistency!   Sometimes progress seems slow but you know you’ve been consistent.  Instead of rewarding inch loss, reward yourself for consistency.   It might be a new workout shirt, a new dvd, scented dead sea bath salts, some yummy body lotion–it doesn’t have to be expensive!


On the T-Tapp forums, some ladies shared how they put change in a jar when they work out, and when it’s full, they use it to purchase something as a reward.  That’s a great idea!  I call saving change my “painless savings plan”!


I’ve not put anything in the cover yet, but I might use this neat “Wordle” that trainer Kayla Howard came up with!


T-Tapp Wordle



Or you could frame that and put it in a prominent place so you will be inspired to work out!



Before I go today, I want to give you this link to Kayla’s blog where she demonstrates how to really get those ribs up–and not just during workouts!   Keeping ribs up throughout the day will help strengthen your muscles and then improve your form during workouts as well as help trim the tummy and keep those muscles activated.


Are you slouching?



Keep those ribs up and let me know if you have a system of accountability that is working for you!




Wordless Wednesday—Cool Cutie!

October 19th, 2011

I’ll post Workout Wednesday later…but couldn’t resist sharing this cute little dude who is gracing my desktop as wallpaper right now! ;)






Isn’t he a cool cutie?


(And I wonder how they got him to be serious long enough to get a picture?!)




Coming Tomorrow….

October 18th, 2011

Between having wonderful company last week….


And some children getting sick over the weekend…..



And teaching flute and piano today………



“Workout Wednesday” will be here tomorrow!



Thanks for your flexibility! ;)

T-Tapp Tuesday–Look Out Girls!

October 11th, 2011

Sometimes, you just need a bit of inspiration.


You need to see that a “normal” person can make this work while balancing family life, homeschooling, cooking meals, taking care of parents—life!


Remember–I did 80% shorter workouts.  MORE, Basic Workout Plus (or variations), Step Away the Inches, or Total Workout split up.   15-25 minutes, with most of them 20 minutes or less.


I didn’t work out for hours a day, neither did I always do 6 workouts a week.  The first year or two I would work out 4-6 days per week–but I didn’t have a lot of 6 days-per-week times.  So an average is probably more 4-5.


And I had several times where I couldn’t work out due to either health issues (adrenals, miscarriage) or other “life” interruptions (my dad’s death, sick kids, mom’s death).  The longest period of time I couldn’t work out was actually a year ago after my mom unexpectedly passed away.  The first 7 weeks were maybe 1-2 workouts per week, then I had 7 weeks of no workouts at all.   Even for the next 3-4 months it was more sporadic than consistent.  Yes, I gained a few sizes back, but I stayed connected to the T-Tapp forums and I knew I was “coming back” when I could.


I’m not sure that I ever posted my “before picture” here:






That was me nearly 5 years ago.   I was attending a 16th birthday party of a friend’s daughter and they took pictures of each family that attended.



I hated that picture!



But without it, I would never have proof that I was a size 22W at one time.



Wearing mainly maternity clothes because nothing else would fit.



And having people ask me, 4 months post-partum, when my baby was due!  :(

(That’s where I was at in that picture–Isaiah was almost 4 months old!)



There were times when I didn’t “see” much change, even with inch loss.   Sometimes I’d lose a size but it didn’t seem to really change the way I looked (and I still had people asking me when my baby was due!)



But I could look at this picture, maybe take another and place them side-by-side, and I could see changes in the pictures that didn’t even seem to show on the tape measure.    Like when I realized how my forearms looked smaller.   Who measures their forearms?! ;)



I highly encourage you, no matter how much you hate it, to take pictures along the way.   At first you may not see much change, but then you may notice your posture is better.   Or maybe a slimming in your hips or arms…or forearms! :D



And then, one day, when you’ve lost 9 sizes, you can put a picture like this in your progress album:





That is my 18 year old daughter’s jumper!



Look out, Girls!   Mommy is about to raid your closets!  :lol:



As trainer Charlotte Siems says, time will go by whether you work out or not–you might not be at your goal size in a year, but if you don’t work out at all……you won’t be any closer, either.



Keep on keepin’ on--Keep On Tappin’!