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Marvelous Mommy Monday–Homemade Toothpaste!

October 10th, 2011

I missed Fabulous Family Friday, so I thought I’d post it today!



We were busy getting ready for some dear friends to visit for a week–they came from Connecticut Saturday and we are SO enjoying them! :)



I really wanted to get back to my FFF posts and even had a great idea, but it took Jessica helping me and we just couldn’t connect Friday due to everything else we were trying to do–including Isaiah’s birthday, which was also Friday!   (Is my “baby” really five years old?! )


I thought it would be fun to do a video post!  I’ll post the recipe I use below so you can copy and paste it if you want, but sometimes seeing a how-to in a video is even more helpful than in pictures.







Here is the homemade toothpaste recipe (not original with me–I just tweaked what I found on the internet):


4 TB baking soda

1/2-1 tsp. celtic sea salt or himalayan salt, ground fine (you can do this in a coffee grinder, mini-chopper or blender)

Note: I use about 1/2 tsp. celtic sea salt in the double batch–you can leave this out but it does add minerals!

2 TB coconut oil (can use olive oil or sweet almond oil, or you can even leave it out and just have a tooth powder)

Water (optional–if your mixture is too dry, add a little, a few drops at a time)

15 drops total essential oils  (approximately–as you saw in the video, this isn’t exact!)



Here is what I used, but of course use what suits your family best!


~8-12 drops peppermint

~6-10 orange

~1-3 cassia


Mix together and store in container(s) of your choice.  To use, wet toothbrush and dip in to get a small amount on the brush.  Use a bit more water to help it reach all tooth surfaces, rinse well.


Note:  I doubled the above amount in the video.


Here is a picture of the containers we use, purchased at Wal-Mart, they come in packs of two in the travel toiletries section of the Health and Beauty area.





Here is Dr. Ray Behm’s site, and right on the homepage you’ll see “The Secret” that I shared about in the video.



Save Your Teeth



Please share in the comments if you have tried making this and what essential oils you used.



Also please let me know if you liked the video “post” and would enjoy more in the future!



Keep that smile bright and healthy! :D





T-Tapp Tuesday–Of Weeds and Exercise

October 4th, 2011

What do weeds and exercise have in common?


Lately my husband and I have been reading some of Eliot Coleman’s books, and this was from “Four Season Harvest”:

Weeds probably discourage more potential gardeners than any

other single problem. “Oh, the garden was overgrown

with weeds and we finally gave up” is so common a statement that it

is almost considered a normal reaction. It doesn’t need to be that

way. Have you ever heard anyone say, “Oh, the living room finally

got so dirty that we just stopped using it”?  We don’t stop

enjoying the living room because of dust. We simply vacuum or

sweep every so often to keep the room clean. The same applies

in the garden.  Furthermore, just as dirt in the living room can

be minimized  by placing a mat outside the front door or asking

the people to remove their shoes before entering the house,

weeds in the garden can be prevented in a number of ways. All of

them make less work for the gardener.


How many times have you “let exercise go” or “let the new eating plan go” because you messed up or life happened?


I was part of a small challenge among some friends.  We’re all on an e-mail list together, homeschooling mamas who’ve known each other a long time.   Most of us had major things come up last month that kept us from “finishing” as well as we had hoped.  One had a major move and all that entailed.  Another had an unplanned surgery.  Yet another has major stress with what her husband is going through in his job right now.  I felt my adrenals weren’t quite up to snuff the second half of the month, so I had to back off.


Should we just throw in the towel and quit?  Let the “weeds” take over?




I think the biggest area we have to really watch those weeds is in our thoughts!


When life hits, don’t say “Well, I blew it again!  Might as well wait until next week/month to start!”


The way to overcome and make “lemonade” when life throws lemons at you is to say, “This month isn’t going as I planned, but I can do something! I can at least do 3 moves throughout the day and brush.”


Or “I might not get a whole workout in 3 days a week, but if I can get one in plus a few moves on the other days, I’ve accomplished something!”


As the old adage goes, “Something is better than nothing!”


It’s often good to have a back-up plan.  The past few weeks I got a modified PBS in (MORE style) and Organs in Place (OIP) some nights before bed.   Although I would have liked to do more moves on the days I didn’t teach classes, that was all I could handle.   As I’ve shared before, in preparing for my trainer certifications, I will mentally go through a move as if I’m teaching it, and I also have been reading Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes one move at a time, so I am still “working on it” even if I can’t actually do a move every day!


As in the “battle of the weeds”, nipping things early  helps.  Or Eliot Coleman’s example of a mat at the front door to help with dirt in the living room.


We can do the same with our mindset about T-Tapp:  what can you do to nip the “negative thoughts” in the bud?   What can you do to defray the temptation to just give in and do nothing because you couldn’t do everything you had planned?


Before I started training to be a trainer, MORE was my “go-to” workout. When I was in a funk and couldn’t decide–it was already decided for me!  If I was still balking due to a late night the night before, or because the day was getting away from me, I would tell myself, “You can do MORE Chair.  It’s only 10 minutes!”


At least I did something!


Think through your “contingency plan” and what are the bare bones basics you will do no matter what. For me it’s brushing (I take Sundays off), PBS in the morning and OIP before bed.   I also try to get in the Mitten Chop Box, but I don’t stress about it.  PBS is easy to remember because it helps me wake up and stretch out the nighttime kinks.  OIP is fairly easy to do before bed without too much thought–although there have been nights I was so dog-tired I just fell into bed! ;)


And lest you despair that just doing a few moves won’t yield any results…here again is Debbie Davidson’s powerful testimony of “just” doing a few Hoedowns throughout a stressful time in her life!


Share your thoughts in the comments–do you have a “go-to” plan?   A set of basics that get done no matter what?


I’d love to hear from you–and I’m sure others would benefit from it, too!



Be sure to stay tuned–I am hoping to have the “surprise” I mentioned a few weeks ago ready for next T-Tapp Tuesday!  :D


Be Courageous!

October 1st, 2011

Last night Dallas and I saw Courageous at the theater—can I just say it’s Sherwood’s best movie yet?! :)


And it’s a good thing I had some tissues in my pocket!


As usual, there is the mix of sadness, tension, laughter, healing….and a very good message through it all.


I think what I love the most is this whole production was prayed over from the start, that it is about doing what God wants and not necessarily to please all the film critics (because if you try to please all them you’ll never win—they can’t even agree! LOL!).   It is truly about doing what God leads.   And the fact that they are serious about ministering in their community as well as touching the larger Christian world.  As Pastor Michael Catt says, “It would be sad if the only thing we were known for is making movies.   That doesn’t matter to the people of Albany. We have people across the street struggling to make the rent. We don’t want to save the world but lose Jerusalem.”


Even though it was a movie about fathers, mothers can be challenged, too–and I am!


I am and will be praying that we will all make the courageous decisions in life that will make a difference–especially to our children.


Thank you, Sherwood Pictures, for again seeking the Lord and producing a good movie with a good message!





T-Tapp Tuesday–Being Patient While You Heal

September 27th, 2011

This is a continuation of what I discussed last in last week’s post, so if you didn’t catch that, here it is: Give It Time.


If you are battling any metabolic issues (insulin resistance, adrenal fatigue, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s, etc.), your body is going to focus on healing, not making you look good.


If you can hang on and be patient, giving it time, you will heal and you will lose.  I firmly believe and am living proof of Dr. Diana Schwarzbein’s motto: “You have to eat well to build well and feel well, and you don’t lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy to lose weight!” (Or inches, as I like to say! ;) )


Being on the forums kept me going when I questioned why I slowed down or stalled.  When I had a question about form and no trainer nearby, the forums were a click away.  People there are SO helpful and patient and kind!  Everyone there is committed to everyone else’s success–not their own or “getting something off of you”.  You don’t have to spend one single dime to get help!   Of course, trainers are WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD when you do need to invest in their services, but sometimes you feel like you have to put so much money into something before you really get any benefits from it.  Not with T-Tapp!


I actually learned about Dr. Schwarzbein through T-Tapp!  I also learned through the forums about backing off workouts when I was struggling with adrenal fatigue and actually had a little crash.  No one was telling me to do more more more.   Yes, of course I wanted to see more size loss (I was a snug size 10 at that point), but I wanted to feel well and not have to take 2 naps a day, too!


I backed way off, then was able to build back up to a decent workout schedule of one longer and 2 shorter workouts per week.  And I continued losing!


Shortly after that my mom unexpectedly passed away, and I had to back way off.  For several weeks, I didn’t even do a Primary Back Stretch!  Very slowly and sporadically I worked back into a very light routine.  Then in February it was like  switch went on and I was able to tackle more.


I still have adrenal fatigue–but I am proof positive that if you give it time, you can do it! AND you don’t have to do long workouts every other day to get results–but you do have to be more patient.  Sure, I could have pushed myself to do Total Workout every other day (EOD), but I think I would have crashed my adrenals sooner.  In fact, that is how I did crash them–too many workouts and not enough food–especially protein.  BAD combo!


I do 2 workouts a week with my classes, sometimes 3, then I focus on only 1-2 moves the other days, and these past few weeks, I’ve even had to back off from that.  But I am more confident than ever that I will still be able to pass certifications–because even though I’m not always doing the moves, I am thinking them through, mentally teaching them.


You might not be training to be a trainer, but if you can’t handle working out every day, you can still do a mental check on form.  Or just read up on a move or watch it on one of the dvds.   Take notes on what stands out to you.  Just because you can’t do a Total Workout doesn’t mean you’re doomed to not lose!    Your body needs time to heal, and you need to give it that time or it will take it (and you’ll be flat on your back not able to do anything!)


I know we are all busy and want a quick fix–but we didn’t mess up our metabolism overnight, and it won’t heal overnight either.   Give it time, and you will be rewarded–not just with a smaller size, but a healthier, stronger body and more energy as well!


If you’re not seeing results, and you have any metabolic issues–and quite honestly, most of us do– try backing off.  Evaluate that you are eating enough (I never count calories), split up Total Workout over 2-3 days, take days off in between, take more water and kick-out breaks….and see if maybe slowing things down and giving it more time might not be your ticket to success!


Remember–we’re in this journey for the long haul–so take your time, lay a good foundation, and you won’t have to backtrack from a detour! ;)


Give your body the time it needs to heal—and you will be grateful later!


Happy Tappin’!



Workout Wednesday–Give It Time

September 21st, 2011

You know how it is.


You see the advertising, buy the book, give it a good shot and….


…you don’t get the “promised” results.


Whether it’s a diet, vitamin, herb, a new health practice you add to your life, exercise….it seems “everybody else” got the fast, great results but you didn’t.


All things aside, let’s face it—probably not everyone got the results that quickly.  Some did, but not everyone!


Let’s tackle the book, Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes.  The cover “promises”:   “Lose 2 sizes in 4 weeks with the T-Tapp Workout”.


The bottom line is–it does, for some.


Not everyone!


(As an aside, Teresa did not pick the title of her book–few authors get that privilege!  Most are picked by the publisher–let’s face it, would you have bought a book titled “How to Heal Your Body from the Inside Out with Comprehensive Compound Muscle Activation”?! :o )


I guess I never felt “cheated” by the “promises” of the book, because I was losing something, even if it wasn’t 2 sizes in 4 weeks!  Before, I was knocking myself out with exercising an hour a day and feeling worse for it, and losing not a single inch/pound/size!


To lose anything–and only with 15 minutes a day (and that only 4-5 times a week!), was GREAT!


It took me 6 months to lose 4 sizes, and since I was a More-to-Lose at size 22W, it really didn’t show much except to my family and dearest friends.  I was still big in the areas I was big in before.  Just not as big! ;)


Another problem with writing a book or making a dvd, is new information comes out, or a syndrome  becomes more and more prevalent, and to update everything takes more money to revise it, plus it’s just plain impossible to address every single concern in one book or dvd.    Unless you don’t mind paying $50 for a 650 page tome!  (And by the time it gets published, MORE new info comes out!)


Instead, Teresa has graciously provided a free forum for discussion, for additional updates on form tweaks and new information.   Trainers often give their input (nearly every single day!) and you can learn a lot—for free.


You don’t even have to own the book to get a secret code to get on the forums–you can check it out there first before buying, as well as try the “Try Before You Buy” exercises listed at the T-Tapp website!


So, back to the “promises” made…..it took me 4 1/2 years to lose 9 sizes and get down to a size 6.  Not a toned 6 yet, mind you, but I am thrilled to be a size 6!


I’m even more thrilled, though, for what I’ve gained!


Health benefits.  Better sleep.  More balance to my hormones.  Stronger muscles.  Bone density.  Endurance.  And the list goes on.


Oh, and the BIGGEST loss I’ve had is a lump under my armpit!  It was probably 1 1/2 inches in diameter.  Gone!


I’ll have more tips next week of what to do if you’re battling any of these issues or other health issues, including what I did over the months after my mom’s passing and I had to back off, plus what I’m doing now, as a trainer-in-training who is healing from adrenal fatigue!



Until next week–Happy Tappin’!   :)



(Psssst!   There’s a surprise coming!   Hopefully in 2-3 weeks, Lord willin’ an’ the creek don’t rise! ;) )



T-Tapp Tuesday–A “Back to School” Giveaway!

September 13th, 2011

As promised, I’m going to have a giveaway!


But, also as promised, you’re going to have to work for it! ;)


The prize is a natural bristle skin brush from T-Tapp!



Dry skin brushing is great for exfoliating, detoxing, eliminating cellulite, and tightening the skin–think of it as “exercise” for the skin!


Now, for the “back to school” part!


Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes is a…well...fabulous book! :)


It has the moves from Total Workout–Basic Workout part is in chapter 4 and the rest of Total is in chapter 5.


I’ll admit, it is difficult to get the continuity from the book, but it’s doable!  Once you have done the Instructionals from the dvds and then the workout for awhile, you can revisit the book, and the form tips will click even better for you!


I honestly think every T-Tapper should reread it once a year, at least!


What I am doing, as a trainer-in-training, is to read and study a move or two, then practice “teaching” it as if I have people in front of me–cueing, spotting, talking it, and doing it myself, with good form –or at least a good attempt at it!


By doing this, I am really cementing the tips and tweaks in my brain to help me with my teaching and with my own form.


For instance, over and over I see “keep your shoulders back”, or shoulders “back in alignment with your hips” (ribs up!), and in one spot, “Keeping shoulders back in alignment with your hips will maximize your body’s ability to lose inches.”


Like anything else the more you do it and read about it, the more it “sticks”!


Teresa has built in many moves to help eliminate excess lactic acid, which helps reduce muscle soreness post-workout.


Most moves also deliver body sculpting, inch loss, cardiac conditioning and help develop a stronger core.


Form is a progressive thing.  As you get stronger, you can provide more resistance, which is like adding weights–without the weights!  You will get max results even though you never have to increase reps!



Don’t be deceived—sometimes moves can be seemingly simple, yet the results are BIG from head to toe!!


The best thing?  Even on time-crunched days, you can do a quick Primary Back Stretch and then a few moves, kind of a mini-max workout, and still lose inches and fat.


Start “studying” in chapters 4 and 5, look for the words I italicized above, and discover how less is more with T-Tapp!



First one to post the answer— page number AND the move(s) I’m referencing—gets the brush!


Now that’s a sweet deal!  ;)




Counting My Blessings–Family Vacation

September 12th, 2011

I have been blessed since I last posted for counting my blessings!  Just haven’t taken the time….and that needs to change!  I should always take time to count the many blessings–the “benefits” God loads me with–daily!  (Psalm 68:19 )


We were on vacation this past week–and I am so grateful for many things!


We originally planned to camp at Silver Lake, MI.  When we made reservations for the campsites, we found out that since we have 3 daughters over 18, and there were already “so many” of us, we had to reserve two campsites.


Even though we have one camper, and we would all be in it.


Even though we honestly wouldn’t use the other campsite!  At.All.


I do understand there is a reason for rules like this, but it did seem a bit over-the-top!   Added to that, we would have to pay an entrance fee daily.  Per vehicle.  We always need to take two vehicles because the van can’t pull our camper safely.


I have to admit my attitude was not very grateful at the time! :P


But we all came around to accept it– it is what it is!   So with renewed zest, we planned our vacation!


The Wednesday before we were to leave, a few of us happened to be at a friend’s, and one of the girls had shared about our camping plans.    As we were getting ready to leave, our friend waited until the last of the girls went on out, then proceeded to offer their lake cottage to us!!!


To say I was floored would be an understatement! :D


He showed me pictures of the “cottage”….





Truly a delightful place!


We were beyond grateful for this precious gift, so close to Lake Michigan and about the same distance to another lake near Holland, MI.   I could sit in this lovely sunroom and watch the sunrise over Lake Macatawa:





(The rocker in the right corner was “my” spot!)


The whole cottage was decorated simply, yet with beauty that fed the heart.









With beautiful porches and balconies….














And a very short walk to Lake Michigan!



Where children (and Daddy and Mommy!) could walk in the sand and along the cold, but refreshing waters….










Make “sand angels”! ;)





Play tag with the waves….




“Surf” on an old board that washed up….



Or just hang out with some of your “best friends”!







Bury your children in the sand?!




Do “school” (sandwriting!)….



And build sand castles (engineering and architecture)!





Watch a sailboat


Listen to the surf crash up onto the shore–don’t you love the blue, blue water and sky?



Peek at something wonderful, just around the corner….




Watch sunsets over Lake Michigan (sigh…..)










Counting my blessings:


13.  A vacation

14. Beautiful gift of the cottage from dear friends!

15. Quiet times on the sunporch

16. Watching the sun rise over Lake Macatawa

17. Beauty to feed the soul

18. Porches and balconies for sitting, relaxing and dreaming

19. Lovely walk to the beach

20. The beach!

21. Lake Michigan

22. Walks along the water (and sometimes IN the water!)

23. Watching the children enjoy the sand, sun and water

24. Helping them dig and having fun with them

25. Fresh air

26. Watching sailboats on the blue waters

27. Watching sunsets over Lake Michigan

28. Spending time with friends

29. Eating ice cream every day! :)

30. Seeing God’s beauty in His nature

31. Rest

32. Good weather!


And the best blessing of all–



33. Spending time with family!





Thank You, Lord, for Your many, many blessings this past week!




T-Tapp Tuesday–Reaching Milestones

September 6th, 2011

Or is that a poundstone?!  ;)


I preach “Weight Doesn’t Matter” a lot!  I realize if you have extra weight and bad knees, weight does matter.



However, if all you’re after is fewer pounds of weight on those knees, you might make some decisions that will, in the long run, hurt you even worse.



If you “diet” and deprive yourself of calories to see the scales go down, but mess up your metabolism in the meantime, the metabolic mess you find yourself in years from now may make dealing with the knees seem like child’s play.



If you “diet” to lose the weight, but do nothing to rehab the knee and make it stronger, you may get around a little better…for awhile. But if you don’t help reverse some of the damage from the stress on your knees (or hips, or ankles, or feet…), you could end up in worse shape down the road.



As one who has never lost “weight” easily, it’s been pretty discouraging to do an eating plan, watching calories, to see not much loss.  Had I understood then what I do now, I’d have measured!  I do know I got into some smaller clothes, but my focus was on the weight loss (or lack thereof).



I’ve shared bits of my story before, but I’ll recap a bit on the weight.  I lost 10 lbs. fairly quickly with T-Tapp, which thrilled me, after losing absolutely nothing since having my son four months before!  And I mean….absolutely.nothing.nada.zip.zilch.   I looked and weighed like I did the day before he was born!



I continued to lose, slowly, but I lost inches even faster!   I got up to about 25 lbs. lost……then gained 10!!!!  I was assured by one of the trainers on the forums (and I highly advise getting on the forums from time to time for encouragement, answers and new tweaks on moves) that if I was gaining weight, but losing inches, I was developing muscle!



That encouraged me…..for awhile!



Finally, getting tired of having my joy stolen by the dumb scales :P I started searching the forums for threads about weight.  I ended up compiling them into a thread called Weight Doesn’t Matter.  Worth a read if you find yourself tied to the scales!



I decided to only weigh every 6 weeks.  I don’t remember exactly how long it took, but after awhile I noticed the nasty hold those things had on me was gone!  I could actually laugh when I gained weight—but lost inches!!!


The reason I am sharing all this is to put my “milestones” in perspective.   I am thrilled, don’t get me wrong!  But, they wouldn’t mean nearly as much as they do now, with more toning and better health to go with them!



As of this past weekend, I have lost 50 lbs. since starting T-Tapp!



And, for the first time in 20+ years, I weigh what I did before I was expecting Susannah!  ;)



Those are good milestones, and yes, I’m happy….but I was more thrilled when I dropped another size a month ago!  (That makes 9 sizes lost now!)   :D



Keeping this in perspective–it took me 4 1/2 years to get to this point, and for the first 4+ years I had lost only 30 lbs.! It’s only been since I addressed some things in my eating 4 months ago the last 20 lbs. have come off.   But—I have also stayed consistent with T-Tapp—which is as important to staying toned and getting healthy as losing “weight” is!




It is important to emphasize that optimum health is not achieved by losing “weight”.  Shifting your focus from the number on the scale to the real factors of good health, such as improved mood, energy and vitality, is the way to accomplish a lifetime of balance and your ideal body composition.


~The Schwarzbein Principle, p. 230






I still have toning up to do, and I may regain some weight as I add starches back in (in moderation), but it will be my healthy weight.  And even if I gain 10 lbs.  back, but am toned and healthy–



That will be just fine! ;)



Rejoice in those milestones…..but don’t get stuck there!   There’s more energy and better health to be won!



(Stay tuned for next Tuesday—there will be a giveaway–but you’ll have to work for this one! ;) )


T-Tapp Tuesday–Can I Really Maintain with 2 Workouts a Week?

August 30th, 2011

I remember when I first heard that people could maintain their goal size with only 1-2 workouts per week.  Wow!  I couldn’t imagine!


Of course, I thought, that was probably two TOTAL workouts per week, the 50 minute one, not the shorter 15 minute Basic Workout Plus! ;)


I had seasons of being able to maintain where I was at (although not at goal!) with just 3 workouts per week—but not for an extended period of time.


Now that I am considered a Less-to-Lose (one size or less to lose–still boggles my mind that I am at this point!), I am finding that that thinking is not true.  I am not maintaining where I’m at with two workouts per week.


I’m continuing to lose! :D


I have two classes per week–Monday nights we do 4 reps of each of the moves in BWO+ and then I teach 1-3 moves from the second half of Total Workout, breaking it down a bit more for my class.


Then on Fridays I teach MORE.


Granted I am more activated as I am the trainer-in-training, and need to explain and demonstrate with good form for my class.  But I would not say I’m getting as much cardio and activation as if I were doing to Total Workouts!


A week or so ago, I also decided to do 1-2 moves a day in the morning from the second half of TWO, to practice for certifications.    Since I have adrenal issues, I really can’t do more workouts during the week–I could handle one, but I really  need to practice that second part of TWO.  I can’t do it 3 days a week, so I was in a quandary of how to do it when I thought of my “just 15 minutes” idea for decluttering.  I decided I could spend 15 minutes or so reading in Fit and Fabulous about a move, then do it (warming up first with Primary Back Stretch and Mitten Chop Box).


Imagine my surprise last week to lose 2 inches and another pound!!!!  As a Less-to-Lose, losing 2 inches in a week’s time is pretty huge!  And it was from all over!

I know with everyone starting up homeschooling, it can be hard to make time for workouts.  And if you are also canning, well, you know you have another busy month ahead of you!


But don’t throw the idea out just because you don’t have a whole 15 minutes to spend–doing Primary Back Stretch, Mitten Chop Box, and one other move maybe takes 5 minutes–6 max.  Add a Hoedown to it and you’re good to go for the day!  You’ve pumped some lymph to help move toxins and help get rid of sluggishness,  you’ve stretched your muscles and gotten into spinal alignment, and as a little bonus, you got some fat-burning going, too!


You also might find that you are able to focus on form more by isolating just a few moves, which will help you when to do get to your workouts.


Doing this really showed me how that when you understand muscle activation and get neurokinetically connected (muscles connected to the brain!), you really can get more benefit out of less time spent!


Now that’s efficiency I like! ;)





Fabulous Family Friday–Just 15 Minutes a Day!

August 26th, 2011

Do you ever get overwhelmed?!


I’m sure everyone has felt overwhelmed with a project more than once in their lifetime!  Maybe even overwhelmed at more than one project at the same time!  Plus just living “normal” life (whatever that is! ;) )


My tendency when I need to do a big project, is to either think I can block of a big chunk of time and get it done, or to think I can do just a little bit over a looonnnnggggg time and it might get done…only to have to start it over again because the first part of it got undone since I was taking so long!


I will confess it right here–I am a messie.   A reforming messie,  a not-nearly-as-bad-as-it-used-to-be messie, but a messie nontheless!


I am not task-oriented.  I like to cross things off my list just like everyone else does, but I very often don’t have a realistic idea of what can really get done with the time and energy available.   That has certainly  gotten better over the years, but between adrenals that are challenged, running my home for just the daily things, even with the girls’ help –it takes a lot of emotional energy!  Add to that the craziness of studying to be a trainer (and that with God’s leading and my husband’s full blessing), you can imagine that things get “out of hand” from time to time!


Over the years I have come to realize, as Donna Otto stated, that most packrats don’t really like a lot of stuff –they just have a hard time making decisions.  Boy, can I relate to that!


Again, this is something that has gotten better over the years, but it’s also something I still have struggles with!  Knowing what I do about the adrenals, I realize part of that problem is truly physical.  Part of it is emotional –having a hard time letting go (memories associated with the “stuff”!).


It may be that something just doesn’t have a good “home” yet.  Or to make a place for it, it’s a domino effect of:


~Wanting to make my one computer desks’ “cubbyholes” my “office”, using the shelves for my mail and paperwork.


~To do that, I need to clean aforementioned shelves off.


~To do that, I need to file things.


~To do that, I need to clean out the file drawer.


~To do that…..well, you get the picture! ;)


So I’m overwhelmed, and usually doing well just to keep up with the dailies. Kind of like budgeting for bigger items, you try to save a little each week….but you can’t ever seem to get ahead to do that!


I had a revelation the other day!


I have lost 9 sizes basically by doing 15-20 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week over the past 4 1/2 years.


It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you are a size 22W, and you feel like you will never lose enough to really make a difference.  Especially in just 15 minutes a day!


But then I found that it did work–I just needed to stay consistent!


My thought a week or so ago, was why not do the same with these overwhelming projects in my life?


No, 15  minutes a day isn’t going to make a huge dent in that desk….yet over time it will make a difference!  Let’s just hope it doesn’t take 4 1/2 years!


I’ve tried doing something similar before, but my focus was on how BIG the project was and how l-o-n-g this was going to take, and I lost heart almost before I started.  Along comes real life, with its myriad interruptions, and I would give up.   Again.


But now, having accomplished something big over 4 1/2 years’ time, investing an average of 15 minutes a day, 4 times a week, I can see how it can work in other areas!


So my goals?


Two big areas  that need decluttered are my room and the computer desks (yes, we have two, side by side!).   There are more areas, but those are my priorities right now.    This week had some craziness (as usual!) so I didn’t get to work on those areas daily, but that is the goal I’m working towards–at least 4 days a week.    I did get to work on one desk and it’s amazing what can be done in 15 minutes at a time!


I am also reading through Large Family Logistics, and Kim Brenneman suggests something similar in her book. That plus doing a 10 minutes on task, 10 minutes break or do something you enjoy, then back to 10 minutes on task, etc.  An hour or two of that could make a big dent!  I’m hoping to get to the point of doing that on  Saturdays (when canning is not consuming us!).


I am applying this 15 minute idea to many areas of my life, not just decluttering!


Such as:


~Practicing my flute –no 15 minutes isn’t a lot…but it’s more than the 0 minutes I’m doing right now!


~Sewing–again, no, I won’t finish anything quickly doing this, but it’s better than nothing!


~Studying T-Tapp–I am working on one or two moves a day, so reading up on that/those moves in Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes, and…


~Doing those 1-2 moves a day (meaning talking them as if I’m teaching them!)


~Working on some writing projects (blog included!)



As I said, I’m not going to finish overnight–but just like losing inches, its effect is cumulative!


I love how God weaves my life together, as Ann Voskamp says, it’s a  One Piece Life. It isn’t compartmentalized into sacred and secular –and so T-Tapp sparks some spiritual applications, and also my quiet times sometimes yield insights into T-Tapp for me!


In this case, the progress I’ve made, putting my best efforts in just a little bit each day, has encouraged me to do the same in other areas of my life.


And just as being on the forums, especially Habit Formers, has helped me with accountability in my workouts, so I am going to be accountable to you here on my blog each Friday, reporting in what got done that week!


Of course, we all know life happens!  It does in T-Tapp, too!  But, my goal is to spend at least 15 minutes 4-5 days per week,  decluttering those two areas and study my T-Tapp 15 minutes daily.   Then I can add more into my day as those habits are established.


Do you have a big project?   Something staring you in the face and overwhelming you?    What could you commit to do for 15 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week?


I’d love to hear from you!  Leave a comment and we can pray for each other!


Next week I’ll tell you how I plan to transition into starting our school year! ;)